Had Molly Fry


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
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First time ever. My sailfin molly had given birth. I've kept sailfins for about a year with no real luck. Now I just assumed if they did have babies they would have been eaten.

My tank is like a jungle, 95 gallons. I was cutting away some of the polysperma and noticed a tiny molly, I was really happy :D , then moving some of the polysperma I notice another 3!

I wondered why the clown loaches were hanging near the top of the polysperma so much. Looks like they were having them for supper.

I've put the 4 fry into a 2.5 gallon for a few weeks until they get a little bigger. That way I can move them into their new 95 gallon home. At the moment it will stop them being supper :good:
congrats! I had sailfin molly fry yesterday as well!

Congrats too :D :good: hope none of yours were gobbled up! I heard they can have up to 30 babies, so I think 90% of mine got eaten :(

I'm just so happy I had some fish babies for once :hyper:

WOW congratulation. I have some of them in my tank.

thanks paul :D what colour are your ones?

Mine are Yellow with black spots , just like their mum, but there is one that is silver and brown, his dad was a chocolate sailfin molly. not sure how he got half silver . be interesting to see how he looks when older :hyper:
congrats! I had sailfin molly fry yesterday as well!

Congrats too :D :good: hope none of yours were gobbled up! I heard they can have up to 30 babies, so I think 90% of mine got eaten :(

I'm just so happy I had some fish babies for once :hyper:

i think most of mine got eaten as well, i found 6 yesterday and another 3 today, but my lyretail black molly is following the silver one around, swimming under her and right up her backside! i wonder if he's eating them as they're being born :angry:

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