I have a book called Catlore it has 3 suggestions for cat repelent. They go in order of effectiveness 1-lest, 3-strongest
(most of below text copied from the book)
1. Onions- rub a raw onion over the area to be protected, a cat can usually be deterred, and the smell, although unplesant for humans at first, soon goes unnoticed. most cats continue to find it distasteful long after the human occupants have forgotten about it.
2. Vinegar - Cats loathe it. the acid fragrance upsets their delicate nasal passages and they avoid anything smeared in it for long periods of time.
3. Oil of a rue bush - a small aromatic bush. some modern gardeners report that handling the leaves of this plant can cause a blistering rash on sensitive skin. Should only be used when all other measures have failed. -- (author then tested it's effectiveness)-- Placed on the carpet, it attracted her and she sat sniffing it closely. but when i rubbed the leaves between my fingers and offered her my fingertips to sniff, her draction was dramatic. she brought her nose up to my hand, then leapt backward, opened her mouth, and tried to vomit. it took a couple of hours before she would let me near her again.
Cats r stubborn animals & will often consider such chemical warfare as a kind of challenge. Ultimately, the best solution is to try & defeat the cats damaging ways by useing undrestanding & intelligence rather than foul-smelling chemicals.
I hope that helps tetragirl86 (sorry it's so long
