Had A Peek Through Old Pics..


Fish Aficionado
Jan 13, 2010
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Just searched my comp and got these.
Cristina my mums old common boa constrictor X salmon boa constrictor. She was 17ft long when she died.

Out on the grass.

Cristina used to curl up around me when we had strangers in so here's a couple my mum took. Yes i look like a boy because i had to have my hair cut that day due to some horrible girls from my nursery that were abit older than me sticking chewing gum in my hair! I think i was 2 or 3 in these 2.


Then there was smudge our dog that we got just after Cristina died.

She got out for a week and got pregnant! This is the puppy we kept.




I know the flooring is bad but we had to take the carpet up when she got pregnant because we knew the pups would poop everywhere.
I hope you enjoyed looking through these pictures.. If you want more pictures of smudge and her baby i will put some more on.

Alessa x.
What nice pictures especially like the expression on the mother dog

regards scot :)
She was very sweet but boisterous. She knew she was "bottom of the pack" she never tried to get food off the table or disturb you when you were eating. You could have sat on the floor with a big fat steak on your plate and should wouldn't have done owt! Like i said feel free to request more pics if you like we have lots and she has a different expression each time. :lol:

Alessa x.
Lovely sweet, dog but that snake - a boa with a child :crazy:

Seffie x

So long as they're never left unsupervised you should be ok. It's normally pretty obvious when they're eyeing things up as a meal. The snake will normally fast before a large meal and will also measure itself up against the thing it's planning on eating.

I'm not a huge fan of reptiles myself though... I prefer my pets furry :D
Lol, I know it's pretty grim. I've read quite a few stories on it tbh, but the point is that it's normally pretty obvious. If you let your snake out and it lays lengthways alongside you and then goes off it's food... well... that's when you should be worried.
If you let your snake out and it lays lengthways alongside you and then goes off it's food... well... that's when you should be worried.

Blooming heck - that is just so scary and as you say, there are always stories in the press about snakes and young children, wouldn't want to chance it myself! I assume that once one has coiled round a small child it would be difficult to get off, would you have to kill it? I hadn't actually though it might want to eat the child :crazy:

Seffie x
Lol yeah that's when you get very worried when it's that big. She never hurt anyone though and was always supervised around me. Never curled round me or laid length ways just laid partially over me.

Alessa x.
If I saw one wrapped around a child I don't think the thought of un curling it would even cross my mind tbh. But having thought about it I really doubt you'd be able to remove it safely and quickly enough once it'd decided on a target.
I've just re-read my post and actually it makes it sound like I'd leave the snake on the child as the child would be doomed :blush:

That really isn't what I meant.
I meant I wouldn't consider un curling, I'd just kill it as fast as possible.

And that I don't think un curling would be safe enough/fast enough even if you did consider it as an option.

However never having tried to uncurl a large snake from a small child...I wouldn't know.
Just went and had a look round the net - there are far too many examples. I wondered if I was just being a bit over cautious, I'm not a lover of snakes and a photo of the one with Alessa just sent a shiver of fear down my spine. But is seems, they do and have killed children :crazy:

Seffie x

ps sorry, this is in no way intended to flame

I've just re-read my post and actually it makes it sound like I'd leave the snake on the child as the child would be doomed :blush:

:p I knew what you meant

Seffie x
But is seems, they do and have killed children :crazy:

So have dogs and cats.... Plus you don't see the deaths as a percentage of snake owners that keep them with children... and snakes aren't seen as being 'cuddly' lol. So there is the extra fear factor there.

I think the main fact is, surpervision. Most animals and any child could result in many bad outcomes if un supervised. Alexa was supervised and has lived to tell the tale :lol:

Anyways, feel I should probably comment on the pictures now I've spent so long on the thread. I love the picture of the snake on the grass and your dogs look lovely :) Do you still have them both?
No we don't :sad: After she had the puppy she got really bouncy because the puppy was playing all the time and i took them both out for a walk once...... BIG MISTAKE! It was snowy and there was some people snowballing each other on the hill. One at the bottom(a boy) and his sister at the top. As we came out of the little alley way we nearly walked right into the boy. He noticed us and shouted to his sister "stop a minute to let this person past with her dogs" She said "ok" But as we went past him she threw a snowball and he dodged it so smudge, being a bouncy, hyper dog thought he was playing and jumped up. She caught his arm with her claws and made a deep scratch. The dogs got taken off us after that because we "couldn't handle them" Now when i see the girl she always laughs and says to all her friends "Looky here it's the girl who lost her dogs" Snobby little b****! Please excuse my language, it just annoys me because she never liked me and i think she did it on purpose.

Alessa x.
That's ridiculous... but at the same time the laws on people getting hurt by dogs are strict. However if it was a scratch as opposed to a bite, and if there was no agression show, just over excitedness then it really does surprise me that the dogs would be removed without so much as a warning. :no:

You'd have thought the RSPCA/Police had better things to do with there time than remove loved family pets for accidently hurting someone by jumping up/playing as opposed to agression.

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