Oooh i feel all chuffed now
Good luck
Just a little addition, whenever i've fish in cycled i've always done 60% change daily (with prime of course
) morning, noon and night.
Keep this up and you shouldn't go wrong, unless it seems to stress your fish then get posting on here (don't hesitate to PM me).
Ps. Look into keeping betta and gourami together, it is often considered a bad mix, although many have been successful with it...
Edit, not clear, 60% daily as in 3x20%; 20% in morning 20% in afternoon 20% before bed.

Good luck

Just a little addition, whenever i've fish in cycled i've always done 60% change daily (with prime of course

Keep this up and you shouldn't go wrong, unless it seems to stress your fish then get posting on here (don't hesitate to PM me).
Ps. Look into keeping betta and gourami together, it is often considered a bad mix, although many have been successful with it...
Edit, not clear, 60% daily as in 3x20%; 20% in morning 20% in afternoon 20% before bed.