

Fish Fanatic
Jul 29, 2006
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I am planning to have 6 albino corys and 10 pearl danios in my new 29 gallon. Could I get some C. habrosus as well? They are soo cute! I don't have sand, but my gravel is about 5 mm and very smooth and rounded; what isn't round isn't sharp. I just worry I might be overstocked or the albinos would get all the food.
I am planning to have 6 albino corys and 10 pearl danios in my new 29 gallon. Could I get some C. habrosus as well? They are soo cute! I don't have sand, but my gravel is about 5 mm and very smooth and rounded; what isn't round isn't sharp. I just worry I might be overstocked or the albinos would get all the food.

What other fish do you plan on putting in the tank besides the fish you listed? If its just the danios and the 6 albinos, then there should be enough room for some C. habrosus.
I dont think there will be a problem. Dont worry about the albino cories not getting enough food. You will feed them sinking wafers that the danios wont get to quick enough. The danios will eat their fair shair of flake food though. I saw another post where you were asking about what to feed the cories. I feed mine a diet of frozen blood worms, Boyd's Vita Diet, Ocean Nutrition flake food flavored with brine shrimp, Hikari sinking wafers, algae wafers, spriulla disk, Tetramin tropical tablet and earthworm sticks. Of course this is a diet and they dont get this all the time, I give them something different everyday.

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