Habrosus Spawn!


Mar 20, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
Yay my habrosus are spawning!!! :hyper:

They spawned once before but I wasn't prepared and lost all the eggs. This time around, I tried to make them spawn and now they're at it today!!

Originally I had them with tetras and a pleco but I took them out for the safety of the eggs. Does anyone know if habrosus will eat the eggs or fry? I am going to separate the eggs but don't know if I can mix the adults with the fry once they hatch... :unsure:

Anyways temp is 72C and I was doing 10% cold w/c so it went down to about 69C. Didn't feed them anything special for food, though the last two days I've given mini bloodworms.

Besides separating the eggs in a breeding net and putting an airstone underneath, is there anything I can do to make sure the eggs stay healthy?

Thanks so much!! :good:

Edit: And what do you personally feed the newborn fry? I was hoping just to do crushed flake food as we don't have bbs locally. Well we have one container of eggs but I have no experience hatching these..
Fantastic news :hyper: :good:

Glad its paid off for you :nod:

I found mine ate the fry unless you have plenty of moss or dense plants they can hide in...

Theres not much more you can do until the eggs hatch 3-4 days,keep an eye out for white infertile/fungus eggs and remove has it may affect the others.
I found the airstone under the eggs work the best :good:

If you've nothing else then finely crush flakes to resemble a powder,this should be fine :good:

How many eggs did you save?
Well they aren't done yet so I don't want to disturb the tank by collecting eggs. Unfortunately I have to go to work so I can't do an egg count for another 6~7 hours or so. :( I'll be itching to go home all day!! :shout:

White is infertile? :( All the eggs (that I can see) are a translucent milky white sort of colour. Will eggs with fungus be a sort of patchy white?
Eggs has they're laid will look like that,after a day they will start to darker a little,if fertile you'll just make out a dot in the middle of the fry growing :)
If they're infertile they will go solid white,or if fungal they'll be furry... after time its noticeable whether eggs are good or not :good:

Good luck with them, :good:

i hope you haven't any egg munchers within them,mine rarily ate the eggs,but they did with the fry.
I will definitely watch the eggs very carefully. :good: I got as many as I could into the breeding net. It's got some plastic plants which attach to the sides for the eggs to attach to, and once the fry hatch, it'll provide some protecting. I also put a little rock with java fern on it as the plant was covered in eggs... I hope this is a good setup.

Now I put the net under my HOB outflow and above an airstone. Am I overdoing it? :blush:

I lost count but I'm guessing over 20. I'm sure I missed quite a few as well... is there any easy way to get the eggs? I was taking them off with a razor blade but eventually found it easier to just lightly put my finger on it and it would stick to me. :huh: I was very worried I would cut them or squish 'em!!

And it's a habrosus only tank. :) I had black phantom tetras and a rubberlip pleco but I took them out for a better chance. ;)
I found the rolling on finger works the best too :good:

How big are the holes in the net? the fry may squeeze through them when hatched otherwise :rolleyes: also just in case any fry hatch in the tank - wrap some sponge around the filter intake :good:
Yes I have already guarded the intake just in case. :)

Hmm I don't think the wholes are too big. I made sure to pick one with very small holes. They are very tiny, I think I'll be ok. :good:
Omg they're at it again today. :blink: I didn't really expect that.

Should I separate these eggs from the first batch, as the fry might harm them once they hatch?

Looks like I might need to go out and buy a 10g. :blink:
Hi karawr :)

Congratulations! You are doing so well with them.

Should I separate these eggs from the first batch, as the fry might harm them once they hatch?

No problem. Once there is an age difference of two weeks or so, there might be a problem but these should still be OK.
Okay sounds good. :)

I am also going to go out and buy a 10g tank asap. I'm looking at a used one, just waiting on the seller to get back to me. :good:
Nothings hatched yet but I have had a couple of fungus eggs. :( Is this normal, or does it mean I have bad water/not enough circulation on the eggs?

What do you use personally to house the eggs in, until they hatch?
few big threads in this forum already about spawns, lots to learn in them if you have a read.

me, i transfer them from the glass of on tank to the glass of a small fry rearing tank with a small filter pushing water over them. unfertilised eggs are not uncommon, just remove them as and when they appear.
I use a catching net with an airstone underneath to hatch any eggs :good:

Give them another day or so,all eggs can vary dependant on tank temperature etc,fungus eggs is common especially if infertile,just remove them when spotted.

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