Thanks Wilder...
...difficult to say, I think it was just breaking through. The female Hasborus does not seem to move around much, and I have not seen them eat much. I am unsure what to do regarding any further treatments. I did add the full quantity of the Betta Spa, to enable them to have the healing elements within it. Ideally, I would like the, to get into the tank with all the others ASAP, but not sure if they may still be harbouring something?
Had a sad loss in the main tank of Hasborous ... I was about to do a WC and wondered what was in the top of a piece of bogwood. I turned off all the equipment to get a better look, and sadly one of the little guys had got himself wedged into a very small gap at the top. He is well and truly stuck and had passed, bless him. I have removed the offending piece and still need to try and find away to remove him, which I fear may require a saw or chisel. It is the tiniest little piece hanging off the main section, and I would never had thought this would have happened. I feel so sorry for him, as I believe fish only know how to swim forwards, so the more he would have tried, the more he would have got trapped.