Guppys Tail Gone Ill? Or Bullied?

Ginty said:
My guppy is doing well and his tail is starting to grow back a little bit. I have given the zebra danios to my local aquarium shop. My guppy is back swimming with his brother and he hasnt hid behind the filter once. When i had the danios and i released him out of the hopsital tank for an hour he just hid behind the filter. So i put him back in the hospital tank.
Good news, and nice to hear.
For the future, the only way to avoid a repetition is to carefully research any fish before you acquire it/them.  Each species of fish has specific requirements and behaviours and one should always expect they will behave accordingly, rather than be the exception.
The tail should grow back, if the nipping did not reach onto the caudal peduncle [this is the actual body of the fish], and it sounds as though it didn't.  I have found that sometimes a regenerated tail is a bit smaller, but this doesn't seem to impede the fish in any way.
Byron said:
My guppy is doing well and his tail is starting to grow back a little bit. I have given the zebra danios to my local aquarium shop. My guppy is back swimming with his brother and he hasnt hid behind the filter once. When i had the danios and i released him out of the hopsital tank for an hour he just hid behind the filter. So i put him back in the hospital tank.
 Good news, and nice to hear. For the future, the only way to avoid a repetition is to carefully research any fish before you acquire it/them.  Each species of fish has specific requirements and behaviours and one should always expect they will behave accordingly, rather than be the exception. The tail should grow back, if the nipping did not reach onto the caudal peduncle [this is the actual body of the fish], and it sounds as though it didn't.  I have found that sometimes a regenerated tail is a bit smaller, but this doesn't seem to impede the fish in any way. Byron.
Yeah this fish is swimming around and eatting fine. It plays with his brother. :)
I only really got the 3 danios because i did a fishless cycle and when i tested my water, it came up fine so iasked my local shop whats the hardest f8sh you got? They replied danios. So i left them for six weeks and then i added my other fish that i had in a smaller tank. I did check with my shop before adding and they assured me they were compatable. They all got on fine for around 9 months. But it started going wrong just before christmas. You live and learn. Atleast none of them died and my danios were recycled and given to an aquarian shop to be resold. Everyones a winner.

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