

Fish Crazy
May 19, 2003
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i have a smallish guppy, a young one. its laying on the gravel at the bottom and not moving. it is still alive because every once in a while hell swim around a bit. it looks like his head area is getting dark, almost black. im assuming this is not good since he is normally orange.
nitrates - 0ppm
ammonia - 0ppm
ph - 7.6
water changes about every 2 1/2 weeks
no medications
in with 1 pwdr blue gourami, 1 marblehead angel, 1 guppy, 3 neon tetras, 1 balloon molly, 1 hifin black skirt tetra, and 1 red wag platy, 1 otocinclus, lots of snails, o yea 1 emerald green cory.
20 gallon tank.
i added two angels and the gourami a few days ago. one of the angels croaked already. the petco angels really suck. they all die on me. i dont have problems with other fish though.

is there something special to keeping angels? gouramies give me problems too
my main concern is the guppy though? what to do
Maybe due to stress or being bullied around? Maybe just not a healthy fish. I believe guppies are very prone to not being healthy. Might wanna ask a moderator directly, since no one has replied.

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