Guppy with red gills/cheeks, whats wrong?


Feb 26, 2004
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Shoreham, West sussex, UK
Ive just been having a close up check of my guppy tank, and noticed that alot of my yellow guppys have got really swollen checks, and their checks and gills are red, looking very swallen, what could this be ? ive neva seen this before.

also, i have one poor guppy who looks like she has got an absess of some sort, more like a spot that has popped, and the "puss" has started comming out, like a spike out of her side, whats caused this?

I feel terriable, ive never seen nething like this happen before, nor have i heard abt it on here, PLEASE HELP!

thanks in advance


(Ive also put a copy of this thread in the emergencies)
jkun17 said:
Could it possibly ammonia poisoning?
Just testing the water parameters now, as i cant find the chart i made that my mum fills in when she tests all the tanks. have to wait 20 minutes for the colour to settle to get the true reading

Just tested the water for ammonia, and its 0mg/l so it cant be ammonia posioning, so what else is there ? or is this a natural thing for yellow guppys to have red cheeks ?
I think yellow guppies showing red colors around their gills aren't uncommon. Just like light-colored female guppies you can see the babies' eyes when they are pregnant, the same also goes for their gills.

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