wbzorker said:Congrats on pink guppies!!! I've heard they can be harder to breed.
Culling is a personal decision that can cause flaming on forums, but I'm pretty sure I'm flame proof in this area so here goes:
Currently, I do the following -Small fry are fed to my loach and tetra tanks. Somewhat bigger are fed to the Angelfish tank. Almost adult are fed to my African Rift Lake cichlids. Adults are placed in Ziploc bags of tank water and put in the freezer, where I choose to believe they go to sleep as they freeze.
I'm a critter person, with 3 German Shepherds and 3 cats as well as the many fish tanks. I feel completely different about my mammals than with the fish. Not at first of course, but eventually the fact that I eat fish made a big difference to me.
You just need to find your own comfort level.
I don't judge.. I do something very similar.. except mine that get large enough can live in the 37 gallon with my Angles