Guppy With Bent Body?


1 Woman Army ;)
Nov 20, 2011
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Hi folks wonder if you can help. I put these pics on my fry journal aswell but thought I better have a separate thread as I am getting frantic.
My female guppy doesn't look well at all. She had her fry almost a week ago, she is still very skinny, she refuses to eat and now her body is starting to curve/bend. It sort of hangs there. She has been sitting on the sand for 2 hours. When I say sitting I mean her back end slopes down and is on the sand and her front is up. What is wrong with my girl? Is it because she isn't eating?




Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou.
Thats whats wrong with my female that gave birth a week ago to. I still dont know why. It might be a common thing after birth :/
hmmm, my female is like this, i was told by the previous owner that its because she has given birth to many times, and i was also told that she would probably die soon due to stress from other fish picking on her :/
Thats whats wrong with my female that gave birth a week ago to. I still dont know why. It might be a common thing after birth :/

Oh that's not good but it makes sense. I haven't experienced it before. Usually the female is fine a few days after birth. The other scenario I often experience is her dying just after birth. I hope our females get better, maybe the birth has taken it's toll.
hmmm, my female is like this, i was told by the previous owner that its because she has given birth to many times, and i was also told that she would probably die soon due to stress from other fish picking on her :/

Oh no :( I have had her for about 3 months? This is the first drop she's had that i'm aware of and I have 6 fry. She could have had fry before and i've not noticed. I hope she doesn't die. She keeps getting pestered by the endlers so that's probably not helping. They aren't interested in the female endler-just her.
hmmm, my female is like this, i was told by the previous owner that its because she has given birth to many times, and i was also told that she would probably die soon due to stress from other fish picking on her :/

Oh no :( I have had her for about 3 months? This is the first drop she's had that i'm aware of and I have 6 fry. She could have had fry before and i've not noticed. I hope she doesn't die. She keeps getting pestered by the endlers so that's probably not helping. They aren't interested in the female endler-just her.

i hope not to :( mine is quite a lot more bent over than yours, but still the same kindve thing :/ they do drop quite often so ive been told, but i could be wrong, hope she turns out ok in a day or two :)
Hi Ny82, I just wanted to say that my female guppy is a lot more curved than yours so maybe it's a female guppy thing.

Mine is expecting more fry I think as she's really fat, but she's old now and I can't help thinking the curve is also down to her age and the sheer amount of fry she's had.

As for the fry ... 6 isn't that many for a guppy (your normally talking anything between 50 & 80+) is it possible she ate a lot of her fry and therefore just not hungry yet?
hmmm, my female is like this, i was told by the previous owner that its because she has given birth to many times, and i was also told that she would probably die soon due to stress from other fish picking on her :/

Oh no :( I have had her for about 3 months? This is the first drop she's had that i'm aware of and I have 6 fry. She could have had fry before and i've not noticed. I hope she doesn't die. She keeps getting pestered by the endlers so that's probably not helping. They aren't interested in the female endler-just her.

i hope not to :( mine is quite a lot more bent over than yours, but still the same kindve thing :/ they do drop quite often so ive been told, but i could be wrong, hope she turns out ok in a day or two :)

They usually drop every 4 weeks. She was fat for ages, I don't know if she had any before and I didn't notice and she ate them.

Hi Ny82, I just wanted to say that my female guppy is a lot more curved than yours so maybe it's a female guppy thing.

Mine is expecting more fry I think as she's really fat, but she's old now and I can't help thinking the curve is also down to her age and the sheer amount of fry she's had.

As for the fry ... 6 isn't that many for a guppy (your normally talking anything between 50 & 80+) is it possible she ate a lot of her fry and therefore just not hungry yet?

Hi Akasha thanks for the reply. When my females were really big and square, they were a lot more bent than her but after having fry they went back to normal.
I was looking forward to this ones fry for ages. Just as she is so nicely coloured. When my blonde female had fry I managed to catch 12. But this female just suddenly went really skinny and I caught 5 fry then when I binned my plants-I found another. My first thought when I saw them was she's ate them. At the time I had the mollies but they started nipping the guppies so I gave them back to my friend. They could have been responsible too.
At the moment I only have my female guppy, a female endler and 2 male endlers. I have two 9 week old fry, six 6 week old fry and six 1 week old fry. I hope she will be ok. I don't want to lose her, I waited so long for her fry :(
She is a bit thin but that is to be expected right after a drop. When you are accustomed to seeing her with a bulging belly, she definitely will seem funny looking but she doesn't really look that bad. Have you tried any food with a bit of garlic in it? It promotes eating by fish that are not enthusiastic about their food. Around here they sell flake food that contains garlic.
She is a bit thin but that is to be expected right after a drop. When you are accustomed to seeing her with a bulging belly, she definitely will seem funny looking but she doesn't really look that bad. Have you tried any food with a bit of garlic in it? It promotes eating by fish that are not enthusiastic about their food. Around here they sell flake food that contains garlic.
Oh I didn't know that, I will try that next time anyone is refusing their food.
I introduced another female to the tank today and she instantly perked up. I think her being harassed by these endlers was adding to it. For being so tiny, they really don't give up.
Now her and the new female are swimming together, I put food in and she ate it. She looks a lot happier now. The 2 males have backed off and all 3 females are now sticking together :)
I didn't know that either! OldMan47, you are a wealth of information :) I seem to be learning something new every day at the moment :lol:

glad she's perked up aswell. I had 4 endlers a while back but I had to get rid of them. I found them too aggressive and they bullied my platies almost to death.

I'll never get anymore :grr:
I didn't know that either! OldMan47, you are a wealth of information :) I seem to be learning something new every day at the moment :lol:

glad she's perked up aswell. I had 4 endlers a while back but I had to get rid of them. I found them too aggressive and they bullied my platies almost to death.

I'll never get anymore :grr:

Oh wow, i've never had that. I just like them as they are so tiny and I love the patches of colour on them.
The original male I had is really placid, he didn't bother anyone until I added the other one. Now it seems to be a competition amongst them. I have found them to be very persistent with that particular female. She is now swimming about happily they have started going to the new female. They don't seem to pay the female endler any attention-my 10 week old guppy fry are bigger than her. They go for the guppies who are double their size :rolleyes:

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