Guppy Questions


Jun 5, 2004
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
will plecos eat guppys fry?

will corys eat guppy fry?

iv got 1 male and 1 female guppy, along wit 2 corys and a pleco. and in a small breeder iv got like 5-10 guppy fry ( 3-4 weeks old ) , their currently in a 10g tank, should i get a bigger tank? ( i dont plan on keeping all 5-10 fry after they mature )

if i wait one more week, do u think the fry will be big enogh to leave the breeder? ( their currently a centimeter long )
My pleco has never eaten my fry. You need another lovely lady guppy, though, or your male will pursue her to death. Ratio oughtta be 2 or 3 gals to one guy.

My fry have always been ready to leave the breeder sooner than I thought, although that may not be everyone's experience. I have left them in for a mere week or two and they have all survived as long as there are good hiding places in your tank.

My problem is too many fry!
IMO, I think cories and pelcos would gladly eat fry but only if the fry were laying on the bottom(cories will eat their own eggs too). They wouldn't actively persue catching one, no but if it's there being an easy catch i don't see why not.
thanx guys, i think ill give my fry another week to grow. i know ur supposed to have 2 females for every male but my female is different, she doesn't let the male bother her at all. she is much bigger than him and is more agressive. iv watched and i dont think he stresses her out to much.
I have one female and one male and he doesn't even get around her that much anymore not even when I first put him in I had two females but one died.....
My baby fry that is a month old are just a little over a half an Inch long.....

By the way how many babies should I have in one 10 gallon tank??? lol

Guppy dude I would wait one more week but the more room you give them the faster they will grow thats what mine did........

B) all of mine are so fat ....... B)
how are your babies doing and how did you get down to 5-10 babies ????

I have got pleco's and cory cats in both of my fry tanks, and they never bother any of my fry.

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