Fairly new to fishkeeping (I’ve only ever had bettas kept solo). I got a 10 gallon to branch out into different fish and ended up getting 5 guppies. I thought I got all males but ended up with 2 females. One of the males died, so as it stands I have 2F/2M. I wasn’t intending to breed them but the males are of course trying (thus harassing the females). I’m not sure if I should just leave the group as is, get more females to spread out the harassment (but I don’t want a whole bunch of babies), or if getting more males would just stress the females to death.
Fairly new to fishkeeping (I’ve only ever had bettas kept solo). I got a 10 gallon to branch out into different fish and ended up getting 5 guppies. I thought I got all males but ended up with 2 females. One of the males died, so as it stands I have 2F/2M. I wasn’t intending to breed them but the males are of course trying (thus harassing the females). I’m not sure if I should just leave the group as is, get more females to spread out the harassment (but I don’t want a whole bunch of babies), or if getting more males would just stress the females to death.