Space Ninja
New Member
I’ll post any updates on this thread. I also thought it was a type of rupture perhaps from in breeding.
Hey there! I realize this post is two years old but I have to ask, did you ever find out what this was? I literally have the same thing happening. I have a 40 gallon pond of all girls (supposedly, some of the baby males sneak past me sometimes) and the other day I noticed a couple with popeye. I’ve taken them out and been treating them, they’re getting better. I went back to check for more and found one that looked like she had a growth on her abdomen and was kind of slow. I popped her into the hospital tank and did not think she’d make it because she began swimming weird and upsides down with the current, hiding behind a rock. Well , next day she was out and about swimming much better and eating. However, that “little spot” now looked bigger and had like stringy bits hanging from it. She’s very small so I couldn’t tell if it was coming from her gills or her side, if it was attached to her, a wound with exposed flesh, or her intestines or something coming out of her. Like you, it’s under her left pectoral and it would be semi small and then ooze out, then fall off and return. I was trying to get close up video to examine it and one of the chunks that fell off I looked at on a napkin but it looked like nothing. She’s swimming and eating more than one of the others who’s not doing well, might euthanize her tomorrow if she doesn’t perk up. But this is the weirdest thing, besides popeye that I’ve encountered so far. It’s like she’s just purging through her side… what the heck is this? I’ve been feeding kanaplex soaked food to the hospital tank and daily water changes and poop cleanups. I also did a couple drops of melafix to help soothe their outsides. So far everyone’s looking better, including her, but my godJust so y'all know - I know the difference between a 'hole under the left pectoral fin and an anus', lol! This is definitely NOT from her anus - it's the little brownish white thingie in the photos that's oozing out right in her chest area, underneath the left pec fin, just behind and below her left gill plate. It comes in batches - sometimes it's not there, but then if you watch long enough you can see it oozing out again. I can send a video if anybody knows if that will work and upload....
She's acting totally fine otherwise~
Side note - I have not ever seen her poop in the normal way; still not sure if that is what it is, but that's the only thing I can come up with so far! Love any feedback, and thanks!
Worm meds coming today.... yay!