Guppy Poo (?) Problems And Neon Tetra White Spots

It really would be so much easier if you got your own liquid test kit.. then you could test the water every day until the tank is cycled :)

Do you mean the thing where the stick the strip in the tank and compare the colours of each spot? We bought a 6 in 1 testing kit.

there no good there not
accurate you really need a
liquid test kit like the
API freshwater master test kit
there about £30 + in the shops
but you can get them cheaper on
eBay i picked mine up for £15
plus the p&p

Thank you very much!
Just an update:
We did a 20% water change, and the male guppy died a few mins after. I'm thinking that because he may have been ill already, the dip in temperature finished him off. The other fish seem to be all good right now, though.
Yes it's wrong. You should of put fresh water in a bucket and got the temperature as close to the tank temperature as possible before putting it in the tank. These are tropical fish you have not coldwater.
Yes it's wrong. You should of put fresh water in a bucket and got the temperature as close to the tank temperature as possible before putting it in the tank. These are tropical fish you have not coldwater.

But, that's what they told us. UGH. :angry: These stores keep giving us wrong information! So, how would I have gotten the temp close? And thank you.
OMG i feel so so so sory for you.
I really h8 LFS at the mo. so many are giving bad advice out its a joke.
Right lets get you on the right track.

I would recommend a very large water change asap leave just enough water to cover the fish. U need to get rid of the ammonia in your tank asap.(the lfs may say your water is good but its clearly not.)
Then refill with buckets of luke warm water from your hot and cold water tap(so it feels around the same temp as your tank water) Make sure the temp feels the same before you add it to the tank and make sure you have added the proper dossage of declore (tap safe)to each bucket before you add the new water to your tank.

Then i would recomend doing daily 50%water changes using the same method.
I would also recomend getting your self a good liquid test kit (like API as they are very good)
Test you tank every 24 hours for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate occasioanlly check the PH
If you are getting anything above a 0 for ammonia and nitrite then do another 50%water change right away if you nitrate rises above 40-50ppm then again change 50%

The reason you want the water you are adding to be the same temp thats in you tank is because fish unlike humans cannot regulate their own body temp so its need to be kept constant, sudden changes will damadge the fish and shock the hell out of them.
Hope this has helped :rolleyes:

Yes it's wrong. You should of put fresh water in a bucket and got the temperature as close to the tank temperature as possible before putting it in the tank. These are tropical fish you have not coldwater.

But, that's what they told us. UGH. :angry: These stores keep giving us wrong information! So, how would I have gotten the temp close? And thank you.
Dont worrie about it now we are here to help. from now on tho always ask us something before asking your LFS then you no your not getting advice that is good not designed to make the stores money :hyper:
That's the only problem with LFS is there only in it for the money. When problems arise you spend pounds on remedies that probably don't have any effect whatsoever or your fighting a losing battle when you have ammonia in your tank. Don't wash your filter sponge or media in tap water, use tank water when you do a water change. In time when everythings settled down you wont have many problems. Then you'll get to enjoy all your hard work.

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