Guppy Mia


Fish Addict
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
Oxford, UK
Hi, I recently had a bit of a change in the tank, adding a cave and re-arranging other bits to make it fit nicely and look good.

this morning, came down to find I was missing a guppy.

I've looked everywhere I possibly can without taking things out of the tank (don't wanna go messing again)

I wouldn't be too surprised if the guppy had died from the stress of me messing about, and whatever was kicked up from the substrate, but the problem is I don't know if it died. it just isn't there.

there are other guppies in there,neon tetra, and a couple of corys, would any of these eaten it if it had died?

I'd quite like to figure out what has happened and where the fish might be.
keep looking i keep losing a serpea tetra but it turns up when you move plants usualy
still hasn't turned up.

if it's dead, and still in there, I'd rather get it out quickly, before it can infect the water...

but if it's already been eaten, I guess it's too late. the only place I can't see, is the back of the cave, but to check there I'll need to move 2 pieces of bogwood, and move the cave... potentially causing more of what may have killed that one.

on the plus side. looking closely at the remaining ones, it is the weakest one that's gone... he survived fairly well, but I didn't notice till he was in the tank swimming around that his tail fin had been torn slightly, not that it seemed to make any difference,still swam nicely etc
Well one of my female guppies was hiding in my tank for 2 weeks so I was sure it got eaten or died...The tank is only 55 gallon. But than it suddenly appeared from somewhere perfectly OK. She stills disapears now so I don't see her for 2-3 days and than reapears...hence she got a name Hexa (Hex = witch i n german) ;)
so i wouldn't worry too much, maybe he just needs peace :)
on one hnd thats good to know,since it's been since I added a cave... so could be hiding somewhere in there,

on the other hand I'd still like to know...
I would remove the cave and check mate cos if its dead and rotting, it will cause your nitrite to raise, id find it get it out (if its dead) and do a water change asap.

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