Guppy Line Breeding


Mostly New Member
Jan 29, 2014
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First to say hi to everyone, these is my first post her on forum .
I have some questions about guppy line breeding and hope that here are some members who know something much more than i find and ready and dont understand good.
In line breeding we have parents ( P ), firts generation ( F1 ) and second generation ( F2 ). F1 are fry from parents . So my question is, are F2 fry from F1 parents ??? I read some post on other sites but these i dont understand good, so any help with these ?? Thanks !!
the fry can be from the P parents and or the F1 parents. to make sure you know which is which you'll need multiple tanks for separation to know where each batch is coming from.
Also depending on the age if the F1 group isn't old enough to breed yet then the F2 generation is most likely from the P parents, but if they are old enough to breed and you have not separated the generations then there looking for the parents for the F2 generation will be more difficult. 
Thanks to reply BerryAttack, I was thinking to get couple of tanks for 2 lines, P1 and P2 and after that to separet fry. I have time to wait so i was thinking, if i was right that F2 are fry from F1, that F1 become old enough to start to reproduce. And that F3 from P1 start to cross with F3 from P2. I know i need a lot of tanks but i have now couple to start ( more than 6 ) .Also i was thinking to start breeding journal so i know with fry are from which parents and theirs age.
Did anyone try these line breeding and what are yours experience ??
just curious what are you trying to achieve by line breeding guppies are you trying to fix a color strain. ?
Yes, looking to get pure colors.( blue with red tail, not some mix of it ) hope you understand what i mean :)
This Guppy is from a fixed strain known as the roundtil snakeskin sadly I lost the female before she could produce any fry.  I decided to cross him with true wild female Guppy. out of two broods  she only produced  one look alike.


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This is the one ,& now being crossed back to it’s sister.  and the father is being crossed back to one of its daughters


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The other color from this cross are like a green lace type. I am  going to cross and see what comes out of the pin tail.


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Very nice fish!!I am not fan of snake skin a lot, more up for moscow tipe, red, green and black.
Is that your first crossing ?? Are you plased what you get from that cross and you think you can save that line of guppy after 3 or more cross??
And i have to ask how many chances are that after some cross i lost my color strain ??
I have fixed a few strains of Guppy’s in the past .  As I only had the one  round tail male to breed from  i needed to out cross it with a unrelated fish. The colour and fin shapes of  fry form the parents were as expected.  Except for one male that resembles the original male only time will tell how good this fish will be, it’s still growing and developing colour With this male and the original one allowing me to run too lines. It may take some time to fix the strain/getting them breeding true,
all is needed  a unrelated virgin female to breed with a desired male. once you get fry all you need to do is to breed the male back to one of its daughters when they produce fry breed the same male back to daughters each time you repeat this the more desired males you should get. also can breed bother to sisters remove unwanted males,separate males from females breed with the best . you ask Can i save that line of guppy after 3 or more crosses?
when fixing a new strain of guppy it can only be dune by inbreeding the fish, do not out cross with any other guppy's inbreeding can be dune indefinite.

I was thinking to outcross in 3 generation, F3, so to refresh my strein.Line 2 will be same color as line 1 so i can outcross them. So it will be ( i will try to drow it here ).
1P1                              2P2                               Parents
1F1                              2F1
1F1 (M) 1F1(F)            2F1(M) 2F1(F)             To separete them. I want to cross borther to sister.
1F2                              2F2
1F2(M) 1F2(F)            2F2(M) 2F2(F)              Separete them again
1F2(M) 2F2(F)            2F2(M) 1F2(F)              outcross them now and creat 2 new breeding pairs .
Hope You will understand what i want. For all these i plan 16 aquariums, hope that will be fine for them.
And now only thing is to start to make rack for them and it will be with 4 aquariums 20Liters for parents, 4 40 Liters for fry and 8 aquariums around 60Liters to separet male and female fry. LOL finaly write everything.
 I’m not sure if you understand that  a outcross means that you use a unrelated fish.
If all fish are related to the single pair that you started with then back crossing generations is fine.
I want to have 2 unrelated fish line 1P1 and 2P2 with same colors, blue with red tail so when i outcross them i will still hold that color.
if you cross a unrelated fish  you will start to  lose the color .They Will both be genetically different Therefore will never breed true.

Hmmm understand now, but ho wto continue to get healty guppy?? Afren relavis cross they will lose healt after couple of generations .

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