Guppy In Cold Water


Fish Herder
Jan 22, 2011
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My friend has told me that she put three new fish in her cold water tank today, and that one of them was a guppy. I'm still waiting for her to put up some pics of her other two fish so that I can ID them for her, too.
I was wondering whether it will even be able to survive the night or whether I should tell her to take it back to the LFS?
Thank you. :)
Quite a few of my local LFS sell cold water guppies. There normally smaller and less fancy (normally just plain orange) than the tropical ones --> i don't know if that's a real reason or just the stock they get in!
Quite a few of my local LFS sell cold water guppies. There normally smaller and less fancy (normally just plain orange) than the tropical ones --> i don't know if that's a real reason or just the stock they get in!

Okay, thank you.
I'm just asking her what colour it is now.
You never know, it might have something to do with it! :lol:
It will be fine overnight, and can be kept around 18C (so roughly house temp). However are tropical fish and as such do significantly better in tropical temperatures, I definitely would advise her to return it tomorrow or considering setting up a small tropical tank. :)
It will be fine overnight, and can be kept around 18C (so roughly house temp). However are tropical fish and as such do significantly better in tropical temperatures, I definitely would advise her to return it tomorrow or considering setting up a small tropical tank. :)

Okay :)
I know she likes it very much, as she said to me 'i have a guppy and it's very beautiful <3'
I thought 'Oh no.'
She can't get any pictures right now but I think she might have a platy and a zebra danio.
Not a brilliant stocking. :S
How much do you know about the tank? Ie. is it a goldie tank that's having new fish added. Or is it a new tank and these are the first fish? How big is said tank etc...?

Obviously the stocking sounds a bit messy but if it's big enough then she could always just add a heater set at around 22C (goldies and guppies/danios/platies should be ok at that temp). It's not ideal and obviously I'd try to advice the 'best' thing which is to rehome any that aren't suitable. But not knowing much about it, it's worth considering if rehoming isn't likely to be an option.
I think you should advise your friend to become a member on here and get herself a tropical set up. She can then sort her problems out first hand and discuss what is worrying her and what not. :p

I know that's not possible at the minute, it's just a suggestion for the future. :)
How much do you know about the tank? Ie. is it a goldie tank that's having new fish added. Or is it a new tank and these are the first fish? How big is said tank etc...?

Obviously the stocking sounds a bit messy but if it's big enough then she could always just add a heater set at around 22C (goldies and guppies/danios/platies should be ok at that temp). It's not ideal and obviously I'd try to advice the 'best' thing which is to rehome any that aren't suitable. But not knowing much about it, it's worth considering if rehoming isn't likely to be an option.

Her tank is just one of the child ones, maybe around 20-25L? I'm not really sure. She used to keep one goldie in there, but it died and she added some white cloud minnows. Those died leaving one on its own, and today she bought the three new fish.
No heater, just a little fluval filter, which I don't think has ever been tampered with, but I know there won't be any bacteria as they don't dechlorinate the water.
Unfortunately, I don't think that the tank is big enough for a heater, though there may be a small one that she could put in?

I think you should advise your friend to become a member on here and get herself a tropical set up. She can then sort her problems out first hand and discuss what is worrying her and what not. :p

I know that's not possible at the minute, it's just a suggestion for the future. :)

Ahaa, I'll try to persuade her to! :lol:
My sister in law is in the same position with one of those plastic 10l 'tanks', no filter, no dechlor and 2 quite large goldfish. She says "they've been ok for the last 4 months so I don't see what the problem is". I gave up...
My sister in law is in the same position with one of those plastic 10l 'tanks', no filter, no dechlor and 2 quite large goldfish. She says "they've been ok for the last 4 months so I don't see what the problem is". I gave up...

Sometimes you just can't help these absent minded people. They don't realise until they start losing fish within short periods of time. :/

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