Guppy had babies!


New Member
Dec 21, 2002
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:*) Hi! :*)
Yesterday i came home from school and checked all my tanks,looking into my 2 gal.(holds 2 male guppies and 1 female)i found that my pregnant female was suspiciously thinner.....hmmmmm....looking in the tank i seen a pair of little eyes peeking out from the breeding grass.i took my net and searched everywear.She had had the little babies when i was as school and ate all of them but 3.i now have them out in a 1 gal. by do i take care of them??Since evidently i have to be their mother now.
the FishQueen :p
you should probably take some breeding grass and put it in the babys tank... and i dont think it was the mother that was eating them... probably the other 2 :thumbs: you also should go to lfs or lps and get some brine shrimp egg packets... hatch them and feed them to your fry...
My 2 cents,
there prob. is a few that got overlooked cause they hide pretty well when first born. But, poss. some got eaten by the others fish. moving some gras with the fry is a VERY good idea cause not only does this give them some cover but also helps them feel more at home and less skiddish.

feeding : baby brine is the best indeeed but, hatching your own can be a chanlange if you have never done it before. If you have never hatched baby brine I would sugegst frozen Baby brine which can also be found at most LFS/ LPS. there is a difference between frozen Brine and frozen Baby brine so make sure you get Baby brine.

Here all you do is cut open package which comes in two sizes, brake off a small piece and just HOLD it in the water for a few seconds. you will see baby brine fall of the frozen piece as it unfreezes alittle. DO NOT just drop in a piece bacause there is ALOT of brine in a SMALL piece and this can foul a tank if overfeed as with all foods.

feeding baby Brine can be messy so you must be sure NOT to overfeed it or the water in that 1g tank will foul pretty fast.

now if you just want some regular fry food you can just crush up some regular flake food or pellets REALLY, REALLY fine. Just crush it fine enough to where the fry can eat it.

Good Luck,

next time what you could do is when you see the female fat and ready move her into a seperate tank with some cover for fry, and let her have her young there. Once she is done simply move her back inot the main tank. :D

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