Guppy Going Almost Black On Head

Hi I have got EKTOLbac made by jbl on the go in my tank at mo , I put half dose in sunday and the other dose in monday because of my cories as can be sensetive .It is a 5 day course so will run till thurs evening and will make a decision as to recourse or not then but not looking likley. All the fish are eating ok but being carefull on how much food being put in as watching my ammonia and nitite just in case of good bacteria being wiped out :sad:
Still not sure what is going on with my guppies as all five have the line now running from belly to chin and all now seem to be getting the curve spine but they are hanging around together like normal and are eating ok . The original guppy spine has really curved and swims with tail facing the tank floor but does not seem to bother him by wobbling around but he is still hanging out with the other guppies , still at a miss with this .
There is no flasing with any fish or spots or any other tail, tail signs anything is wrong
Do not know what else I can do ???????
I never had much luck with guppys either.
I would recommend buying guppys from a breeder.

Once the spine bends there not much to be done.
I would maybe contact a vet and see if he would prescribe antibiotic (Minocycline) It will wipe all the good bacteria out in your filter.

Get a magnifying glass and take a look at the red line on guppys. Make sure there not tiny red spots forming a line.
Hi All meds done now and a 50% water change but filter media now a blue colour and thinking good bacteria been wiped out so keep an eye out and get some cycle bacteria tomorrow to help :blink:
The guppys are still the same , so nothing changed but seem happy enough and eating ok , but they still have line under belly and obv as 1 has really bent spine now and others are going that way even thoe swimming by wobbling how kind is it not to ethuanize :sick: them as dont really want to do this and just see how they go and not going to get any better than they are now ?
You usually have an instinct when to put a fish out of it's misery.

The curved spine won't heal. If the fish is having trouble swimming and staying balanced, then I would think about putting them out of there misery.

What are you latest water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
Hi Wilder my stats on ammonia 0 and nitrite 0 I have not got a test kit for nitrate sorry , but I am keeping very close eye on these 2 . Will be doing another 20% water change tomorrow just to make sure meds are out and put cycle bacteria in tpo help .
It just seems cruel to ethunize guppys at mo as they all seem happy and eating even thoe I feel this will end up the road I will have to take , this has now put me of from getting any more of these fish
If there happy I wouldn't end there lives either.
Just if they have trouble swimming. As the fish will just get exhausted.

The only option left is to use an antibiotic like Minocycline.
It will wipe the good bacteria out in your filter. But sometimes this is needed if your tank had a bad strain of bacteria.

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