Hi I have got EKTOLbac made by jbl on the go in my tank at mo , I put half dose in sunday and the other dose in monday because of my cories as can be sensetive .It is a 5 day course so will run till thurs evening and will make a decision as to recourse or not then but not looking likley. All the fish are eating ok but being carefull on how much food being put in as watching my ammonia and nitite just in case of good bacteria being wiped out
Still not sure what is going on with my guppies as all five have the line now running from belly to chin and all now seem to be getting the curve spine but they are hanging around together like normal and are eating ok . The original guppy spine has really curved and swims with tail facing the tank floor but does not seem to bother him by wobbling around but he is still hanging out with the other guppies , still at a miss with this .
There is no flasing with any fish or spots or any other tail, tail signs anything is wrong
Do not know what else I can do

Still not sure what is going on with my guppies as all five have the line now running from belly to chin and all now seem to be getting the curve spine but they are hanging around together like normal and are eating ok . The original guppy spine has really curved and swims with tail facing the tank floor but does not seem to bother him by wobbling around but he is still hanging out with the other guppies , still at a miss with this .
There is no flasing with any fish or spots or any other tail, tail signs anything is wrong
Do not know what else I can do
