Guppy Gender Trouble


Fish Fanatic
Apr 25, 2012
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
this isnt a thread of me asking what gender my guppy is but almost all of my fry ends up female. is there anything i can do to make more males grow? i know some people change temperatures and water chemistry. what works for you guys? my water is basic, hard, and the temp right now is 79 f or 28c i believe. thanks!
Hmm...i dont think there is a way to do that. I have guppies to and most end up been female. Sometimes even all females. The only thing i could imagen you doing would be to figure which male fish you jave used to breed and has given you the largest amout of males. (I hope im not making up stuff here, if i am im sorry!!! But i think i am right...) this would be because males are the once to carry the y chromosome. So it wouldn't be in issue with your female guppies but the males. Or simply just luck really... because even if you try to use the male that has resulted with the most male fry before, it could turn things around. Sorry this isnt much help. But ive been breeding guppies for years and until now there isnt really anything to change that more females are born that males. By defailt everything os female before it develops female or male parts. (Unless you recure to genetic engineering...but that would be super expensive)
I used to have all females and just a few males too. The last batch however only had 2 females and the rest males. The only thing I did different was turned the temp down, it was 28 I lowered it to 24, I have very soft water PH of 6.4. I don't know if temperature or water softness has anything to do with it. 
You could do with dropping the temperature down to 24/5 they can live in higher temps but it speeds their metabolism & shortens lifespan
The average brood size for a [SIZE=16pt]female guppy is 30 + fry,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16pt]Gender normally produces a lot more females ,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16pt]When you only have a low number of fry to grow on to adult[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16pt]Chances are they will be mostly female the larger the brood [/SIZE]size the [SIZE=16pt]more males You will get, [/SIZE]
[SIZE=16pt]I have 15 males from a brood of 35 and 4 from a brood 14[/SIZE][SIZE=16pt],[/SIZE]


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