Guppy Fry


New Member
Jan 13, 2010
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Hello. I have about 25 guppy fry that are about a week old. they r in there own tank, but they r in the breeder right now. I want to know when i sound put them in the tank?
Hello. I have about 25 guppy fry that are about a week old. they r in there own tank, but they r in the breeder right now. I want to know when i sound put them in the tank?

Am I right in saying that the fry are in a empty tank in the breeder trap if so you can let them out now
If there is other fish in the tank you will have to wait till the fry a big enough not to get eaten
I had to wait about 6-8weeks before my fry we're able to go into the big tank.
It only houses a few adult guppys (and a pleco - Who seems to be

Yep its a long wait, but not worth risking early.

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