Guppy Fry Control


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
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I've had my 250L tank (100L*40W*70D cm) set up for over six months and all is well except for my Guppy fry explosion!

When I initially set up the tank I was "assured" by more than one source that livebearer fry would not be a problem as they would get eaten by their tank mates. For my Swordtails and Platys this is true, but for the Guppys this is completely false!

I originally had 6 Swords, 4 Platys and 8 Guppys. I still have the same number of Swords and Platys, but loads of Guppys. I've tried giving them away, but nobody wants them. I also have 10 Neon Tetras.

A possible solution that I've read is to get a couple of fish that like Guppy Fry, such as Angelfish. Is this a good idea? Will they only take fry, or will they go after the other fish, especially the Neons?

Also, is this morally right? Part of me thinks "no", however the other part thnks "yes" because if I don't the tank will eventually get overloaded and the population will start to be affected by poor quality water.

Is there anything else that I can do?

Any and all advice gratefully received!!
angels are a no. they will eat neons

go with black skirt tetras, in a group of 5. they are great little birth control fish.
well i disagree with afishdude becuase my friend has a full grown angel and about 13 neons and they dont get eaten and i myself have an angel and neons and i havent had any problems!
i also disagree with afishdude in the wild angel fish may eat neons but i have kept angel fish and neons together and not a single one has gone missing and yes pratty thanks for referring me in ur anwser
If you keep the angelfish with them from very young it'll not regard the neons as food.

But it's in a guarantee.


If that is true, then why do angels eat primarily neons in the wild? Because, y'know, they were raised around them.


They are raised with neons as their food in the wild, They aren't in captivity.
My guess is that you have few too many hiding places for the fry. I know from personal that my guppies turn round straight the way and eat them. Try removing some hiding place and that might increase the amount that doesn't survive. x

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