Guppy eating other fish


New Member
Apr 20, 2020
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United Kingdom
Hi everyone,

I recently added 2 yellow cobra guppies to my tank, and they've eaten my smallest Endler :( i'm heartbroken

I did so much research before buying them to make sure they get on with my current fish and this has happened... I read guppies are peaceful but now they've eaten my favourite fish :( are they just going to keep eating my other endlers until there's nothing left?
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They don't hunt or eat other fish. However when other fish died (it was either sick or died because of environmental issues) other fish will nibble on dead fish, snails and shrimp.
What are your water paramters? Did you cycle the tank? Any symptoms of illness? KH, GH and pH of your tank water? When was the last time you did a water change (and how much) and vacuumed your substrate?
I’m sorry for your loss...

How long has the tank been setup? What are the other tank mates? What do you feed them? How often do you clean the tank substrate?

What are your exact water parameters? (pH, GH, KH, Ammonia, Nitrate, and Nitrite)

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