Guppy Dropping Eggs


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2007
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Hi. My female guppy who is in the 10 gallon aquarium started dropping eggs. She dropped about 8 fry and 7 eggs two or three at once. Any idea? she is all alone in this tank i turned the filter off to place her at ease and shut the lights out. she has been in there for half the day so far not sure if she is done doing what she has to be doing.
actually they do have eggs. its just the eggs hatch into live fry inside them. my sense is that the eggs are coming out due to stress of sorts and so she is aborting. unhatched fry.

Strange, maybe they're undeveloped guppies?

I haven't seen anything like this..

Very clear pic though :)
Back in the day, when i used to keep livebearers, i always used to put my fish in the breeding boxes and there always were a few eggs, which i guess just never got fertilised :S I wouldn't say it is anything to worry about! :good:
that's what i said. they are undeveloped or unhatched from within the mom. so she dropped them out. i would of had more fry too bad :( maybe next month.

thanks westwood.
Yes, guppies have eggs as every other fish does, the difference being is that livebearer fry hatch inside the parent.

Normally, egg dropping is a sign of stress. Describe the set-up in more detail. What are the water parameters? With the filter off, the ammonia will be rising, it shouldn't be disturbing her anyway… if it is, then you probably need a more appropriate filter. Before you even think about replacing the filter, make sure you know *everything* about the nitrogen cycle and how to replace filters properly.
Are you sure they are not fry curled up? :blink: not seen nothing like it before :blink:

EDIT: kitty sorted that out :good:
the tank is not showing any bad signs on the tests. filter is for 10gallons running for a month or so now and cycled. i have a few plants and stones below for the fry to hide in.

ammonia 0
ph 7.5
nitrate 0
natrate 0
temp 78F or so
before i forget since we are on the topic of eggs lol. i was told that boiling an egg and mushing it up with water is good to feed to the fry.. is that right?
How did you cycle it?

(Even unreadable quantities of ammonia have the potential to harm the fish.)

Use just the hard boiled egg yolk and feed only small quantities. You can mix the rest of the yolk with some water, roll it out between some cling film and then freeze it for later.
That does work(for for egg layers eg Cichlids), but is possibly unnecessary for livebeares, as they are born so big, they can usually readily take finly crushed flake, which I think has better nutrition to suit the fishes diet! :good:

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