Guppy died last nigh

Morning all I found 1 of my guppies dead this morning. Couldnt see anything on him and he wasnt behaving any differently to normal or compared to others.
Do guppies just die, is that just how it happens sometimes?
54l tank 6 glow lights, 2 plants and now 4 guppies 😔
Yes, sometimes fish just die for no reason... Doesn't always have to do with a problem in water parameters, parasites or an illness. But most cases of fish deaths do have a reason. But it could also be just their age. So, not always should there be something going on why a fish just dies. Just like humans, a cardiac arrest can happen. To those who think that when a cardiac arrest happens, then there must be something going that may have caused it. Most of the time there is a cause but a heart can just stop by itself without a specific reason. For the heart is a muscle to start with and not an organ.
Doesn’t seem like ich, the rule of thumb is, if I doubt

Water change and salt lol
AmyKieran I think you've saved my guppy! The thing on his fin has dropped off and hes swimming around and feeding! Salt by the looks of it has done the job so far, thank you 😁👌🏻
AmyKieran I think you've saved my guppy! The thing on his fin has dropped off and hes swimming around and feeding! Salt by the looks of it has done the job so far, thank you 😁👌🏻

Good to hear :) keep us updated still just incase anything else goes wrong but it should be all good :)
Will do, how often can dose with salt ?

Ide just dose with salt when you know there’s a problem, keep it in the tank for a week or so, then remove most of it with your maintenance water change, then the rest will go every other water change :)

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