Not to be snarky, but FORTY DOLLARS A WEEK?!?!?!?!?! Holy ####, I'm going on nineteen in less than a month, live with my mom (who doesn't give me money by the way unless it's really important) the only money I have is about sixteen bucks left out of twenty five that I earned from babysitting for three days last week, for a total of 24 hours. That's 1.04$ an hour. I'll be lucky to see another job like this for a good couple of months, and regular jobs are not easy to come by around here. I'm saving up to buy a dog from a rescue, fish for my tank, a truck and keeping the money in my hands instead of going to help pay the rent and bills.
And you have 3 oscars in a 30 gallon? Save up, buy a huge tank for the oscars, then use the thirty for breeding feeder, which, by the way, will not be good for the oscars if that's all you feed them, as they like more of a bug diet.
Until then get the guppies some kind of home, temporary plastic tub or someones tank until you get the oscars taken care of...
That's what I wrote till I decided, maybe I was getting wrong info about your tank FishGURU, until I looked for myself and found this....
2 tiger oscars (1 normal, 1 albino)
1 large albino tiger oscar
2 columbian sharks
1 pictus catfish
1 large plecostomus
3 little tiny convicts
2 electric yellow (kinda small/mediun)
1 electric blue (super bit*#)
5 tiger barbs
1 goldfish
All in a thirty gallon (excuse me, 33 gallon)
First of all, way too many F@&$ING FISH! Second, the goldfish is coldwater and even if you did have a big enough tank it still shouldn't be in with them, and third, 'why don't my fish fight each other' you asked, well maybe because they don't have enough room to move, let alone fight!!!!
Don't even bother with feeders, as I don't see how long your other fish are even going to last.
I quit. Very
very few people get on my #### list, but somehow you've manage to do that.
P.S. Ferrikins, I used to have ferrets, I loved those guys!