Guppy Apocalypse

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Mostly New Member
Dec 21, 2013
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I'm a new member, so I'm very sorry if I have posted this in the wrong section.
About 2 months ago I had around ten guppies in a 35 litre marina then slowly one by one they started disappearing. I'm afraid my tank wasn't in the best condition, but lately three have died in the last month or two. My tank was set up for about two years with very few losses and then suddenly they all disappeared. The first of the three became pine coned, and died. The last two became pale and wouldn't rise to the top of the tank. They could still swim but they refused to eat and became thin.
All my fish were becoming less colourful than they originally had been, I thought it may have been because they weren't getting much light as my window doesn't really get much light and lately in winter in England there hasn't been much anyway. The Marina's light was also broken. So unfortunately I chose a smaller tank of 28 litre that while the water quality would be harder to keep, I believed I would be able to do water changes more easily.
I filled up the tank with 50% of the water from the last tank and cleaned everything and my tank looked lovely. However last night I noticed a red spot on the tip of my guppy's tail. It wasn't like the tail had red dye, more like a little ball of red. This morning I looked and the guppy is even paler with a small red streak in the tail.
I have done hours of research and I believe it is septicaemia but I am not sure! My last ones became even sicker when I took them out and put them in a spare gallon bowl and I believe they were cold so I didn't want to do the same so he is currently floating in a small cup at the top of the tank to keep him warm.

I was thinking of putting Interpet no.9 anti internal bacteria in the tank. Would this be ok and should I treat the whole tank? I thought I should as they might have it too. Any other suggestions?
Ch4rlie said:
Hello and welcome to the forum.
A quick couple of questions first.
When you moved fish to the 28l tank, was that tank cycled and ready for fish?
Just in case you're not sure what i mean, heres a bit of info
Also you make no mention of moving your filter and media to this new tank, you just say 50% of old tank water.
More information about these would be great, thanks.
I kept the same filter, heater and gravel and most of the water so I didn't cycle the tank, figuring it would be similar to a water change. All that has changed is the tank and I now have new decorations in case the last ones were helping damage the tails. I didn't change the filter or clean it because I have heard that it holds beneficial bacteria. I did clean the gravel though because it really needed it!

Have I done this all wrong!?!

The other fish generally seem happy, but trying to free their friend from his fishy prison, maybe a little pale and stressed...
You did the change over the way you're supposed to :) He just wanted to rule out you losing the beneficial bacteria from not keeping the filter media.
I'm not sure on what is going on, but did want to comment on that as I don't know when he'll be back and didn't want you sitting there freaking out ^^'
Ninjouzata said:
You did the change over the way you're supposed to :) He just wanted to rule out you losing the beneficial bacteria from not keeping the filter media.
I'm not sure on what is going on, but did want to comment on that as I don't know when he'll be back and didn't want you sitting there freaking out ^^'
Thanks, do you know whether i should use interpet no.9, I've heard it isn't good for beneficial bacteria?
I don't have any experience using that medication, so not sure. But it is best to not throw meds at the fish until you can figure out what is wrong. :/ Sorry I can't be of more help
I personally would not treat the whole tank if it is just 1 fish thats sick. The medication you are looking to use will damage beneficial bacteria, so i would treat the sick fish separately
Ninjouzata said:
I don't have any experience using that medication, so not sure. But it is best to not throw meds at the fish until you can figure out what is wrong. :/ Sorry I can't be of more help
I believe it is septicaemia

Alasse said:
I personally would not treat the whole tank if it is just 1 fish thats sick. The medication you are looking to use will damage beneficial bacteria, so i would treat the sick fish separately
Should I still not do so if I am worried that all the fish could be affected?
Are they showing signs of having the same thing, if no, then I would not treat the entire tank.
Alasse said:
Are they showing signs of having the same thing, if no, then I would not treat the entire tank.
Only a tiny bit. Could I do the salt treatment? I don't really know anything about it though. Would it help?
I still would not treat the main tank, if I felt all the fish needed treatment I would remove them all to another tank/container and treat that. The main tank can be fed to keep it cycled while the fish are being treated. That way you are not killing the cycle in the main tank.
I would only treat the other fish if they showed the same signs as the real sick fish.
Alasse said:
I still would not treat the main tank, if I felt all the fish needed treatment I would remove them all to another tank/container and treat that. The main tank can be fed to keep it cycled while the fish are being treated. That way you are not killing the cycle in the main tank.
I would only treat the other fish if they showed the same signs as the real sick fish.
Ok thank you, I might use the old tank, I haven't gotten rid of it yet. I have a spare filter that came with my new tank, but should I buy a new heater? I don't want to if it isn't necessary, but if I must...
If they are in a heated tank now, they will need to go into a heated tank :)
Oh no!
Just before I leave the house I glance in the tank and see that another fish has what looks like septicemia, on the rim of his tail are little red dots! I've heard it can be devastating to the fish tank! Does anyone know if this is it! If so should I really hold off on treating the whole tank if they all have small tell tale signs? If I did, how would I go about resetting it?
What tank maintenance do you do?
Septicaemia tends to come from bad water conditions. Can you test the water?

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