Guppy Acting Weird, Bloated Belly, Curved Spine?


Aug 21, 2008
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Tank - 100 litres
occupants - 2 sailfin mollies 1 M 1 F, 8 male guppies, 5 tetras. around 10 molly fry (4 weeks old around 5mm ish)

Tested water today all is well as usual ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 40 ppm (no higher)

All my fish are very active, not had one single fish die when introducing them to the tank, around 1 month ago last fish were added, if not longer.

However today my yellow guppy has a bump in his stomach, and he is swimming upwards with a slightly curved spine, he looks a little tired and not as active as the others at all, looks as if he isnt swimming with his tail, only fins.

Not heard of this disease? so im pretty unsure what to do?

Some one please reply, im beating myself up about this, im getting really upset watching this fish almost turn upside down then twitch to move again
is you ph ok

I dont test it, however im pretty sure its fine, because all my fish are acting fine, great as usual, and my tetras and fry are great,

The symptoms have only started around 2-3 hours ago
It might be Fish Teberculosis. I don't know too much about this disease, but I know that the curved spine is a symptome of it. You could try googling it. Good luck, I hope he gets better.
Curved spine can be old age, fish tb, internal parasites, vitamin deficiency.
Does the fish look thin or bloated.
Check the anus to see if its enlarged or red and inflamed.
What does it look like when your fish go to the toilet.
The bump does it look hard of soft like filled with fluid.
Curved spine can be old age, fish tb, internal parasites, vitamin deficiency.
Does the fish look thin or bloated.
Check the anus to see if its enlarged or red and inflamed.
What does it look like when your fish go to the toilet.
The bump does it look hard of soft like filled with fluid.

I know it isnt old age, because ive only had the guppy around 9 weeks / 10
He looks bloated, he is now spending all of his time on the bottom of the tank, he occasionly tries to move but he doesnt move his spine or tail, just his fins, he cant swim upwards, his belly looks solid, i havent seen him produce any waste.
Are his scales sticking out.
Looking at fish tb to internal parasites.
Signs of internal parasites are
long stringy white poo or clear mucas poo.
Worms prutruding from the anus.
Being thin or bloated.
Enlarged anus or red inflamed anus.
Swimming to one side sometimes.
Bent spine.

Get you a link to fish tb.
Are his scales sticking out.
Looking at fish tb to internal parasites.
Signs of internal parasites are
long stringy white poo or clear mucas poo.
Worms prutruding from the anus.
Being thin or bloated.
Enlarged anus or red inflamed anus.
Swimming to one side sometimes.
Bent spine.

Get you a link to fish tb.

The fish himself is dead now, i never saw his poo so i wouldnt know, the other fish are fine though, his scales werent sticking out at all, he had no traceable signs of disease on his body.
He just coudnt swim with his tail and he was bloated
Bless Him. R.I.P.
Just keep a close eye on the other fish. Good Luck.
Might of been old age, guppys only live a year, and you don't know how old they are when you get them
Guppys life span can be 2 to 3 years I think.
ok, sorry, my collins fish book said they only lived a year so when you got them from lfs you only had a few months a lot of the time, that put me off and also the fact that they were attacking my puffer lol so i took them back.
I kept guppys and had some last about one year 6 months.
They can live well over 2 years but I never had any last that long. Never had any luck with guppys.

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