

Jul 31, 2007
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Norwich, UK
Hi All,

I've just recently bought a new fish tank.
And was just wondering how any guppies you think i could have?
It holds 39.5litres (9gallons)
here's a link to the one i've got: (then click shaped and the one i've got is the mini pentagon aquarium)


I would do 3-4 males, just males. If you get some females, in a month you will be way overstocked
Well I would say you could have about 8. basically 1 per gallong, with a little space left over... But do not get any females, because as the person before me said... you will need more tanks :)
Okay, I'm not a fan of the 1" per gallon rule so... you can take my opinion or not.. Guppies aren't big waste producers, but are semi fast swimmers... so... Maybe... 4 females and 2 males??? or jsut get all males or all females...

so if you do go by the 1" rule your only around 6" over... not bad... jsut be sure to keep up on your water changes... IMHO, they will have plenty of room to swim...
what fish would you suggest that i could have loads of for my tank?
i want my options fairly well spread so i can get the best out of my fish tank.
i was also thinking of a pair of dwarf gouramis and a pair of golden rams with a cory or 2 and coolie loach
how bout some tetras black newons and neons? I'd put 8 of each of it were me.. HEHE.. they'd prolly have plenty of room.. and if not.. i'd take some back.. like i said that 1" rule is dumb... it's not even in most fish books... you more less need to look at how much swimming area they need, how much poop they produce...
i got some really small fish today, someone here might be able to tell yo of the name, their family of the guppies, males are like bright colours, but females usually just plain white/ghost
what fish would you suggest that i could have loads of for my tank?
i want my options fairly well spread so i can get the best out of my fish tank.
i was also thinking of a pair of dwarf gouramis and a pair of golden rams with a cory or 2 and coolie loach
You could do a pair of rams and maybe 3 cories, but I wouldn't recommend it. That tank is tall, rather than wide and rams and cories are bottom dwellers. If the rams spawn, they could get quite aggressive and kill the cories. Same for the kuhli loach. If you want a pair of rams, 9g is a bit small, as the recommendation is usually 15g+, but you could do it if you provide enough hiding places. To that, I would add a small shoal of a top level dweller like some neons. Maybe 4-5 neons, which are low waste producers.

If you wanted to nix the rams, you could have maybe 5 cories (esp if you got pandas, which are smaller) and then a shoal of 6 or so neon tetras (or similar).
i have bought today 2 male guppies and 4 females and a sucker catfish or plec of some kind, he's a unusual one. i have got a picture but it's hard to see him but i'll put it up:

i have a question for you lot. i have got a 9gallon tank (39.5litres) and i need to know what type of light to fit in there, as you can see from my first post its not any type of hood and well i would also like a better filter as i doubt the one i have now is coping well, as it is still mirky (just added more water)

so any suggestions?

when i have my new light in i shall take loads of pictures :) and show you the amazing colours on my male guppies tales.
and dont worry i can make a backup tank if any problems.

if anyone knows what cleaner fish i have please give me a link to their description please. the man in the LFS said he would grow to 4" but im unsure...

Congrats on your new fish it's always brill getting new fish. I don't want to put a dampner on things but I'm a bit concerned for their welfare.Did you cycle the filter before putting the fish in?Congrats on your new fish it's always brill getting new fish. I don't want to put a dampner on things but I'm a bit concerned for their welfare.Did you cycle the filter before putting the fish in?
it's been going for a long time with my zebra danio in there and everything so it's all good.
Fair enough, keep an eye or your water tests though because you've upped the "crap factor" big time.
Also don't know about keeping just 1 danio, they really like company, how long have you had him?
take the females back and exchange them for males, unless you want a load of fry on your hands, a single female can produce 20-30 healthy fry every 4 weeks, more if the female is bigger or fry smaller, in other words you will become very overstocked very quickly
i can easily give the fry to my Local fish stores so no problem... or start a lil online guppy shop and sell them.

and ive had the female danio for about 1 1/2 years :)

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