Guppies sitting at top of the tank for 3 days


New Member
May 1, 2018
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Hi, Any help or advice would be great

I have 3 Guppies 1 male and 2 female (one pregnant) in a 6 gallon, 27Ltr tank.
The strangest thing ever.. Iv had them for around 2 months and they were behaving fine, playing and swimming around. I did a 25% water change which iv been doing every 10 days or so and added in a couple of zebra snails i bought to mop up a little bit of algae that was forming on the glass. Since then the 3 guppies have stayed near the top of the tank and are not moving much. They still eat their food (flakes and bloodworm every Saturday)

First thing I thought was the water parameters which are below
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
PH 6.4
Not sure what my GH or KH is. I use the API master kit

Maybe PH is too low?

I don't see any fin rot or ich. Pictures attached you want to have a look

Any help would be great

Many Thanks


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