Guppies or platies?


New Member
Sep 6, 2022
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Hi all,

I’ve spent the past several months cycling/setting up a 105 litre tank which currently houses

2 x bristlenose plec
1 male guppy
3 female guppies
1 male Platy
2 female Platy.

I was undergoing tank maintenance last week and spotted babies.

I hadn’t even noticed any pregnancies as a few of the fish I’d only just bought so I’m clueless who’s they are.

I’ve tried taking pics but these guys are so small so I had to zoom in, so they’re not the best quality.
They can obviously only be Platy or guppies, any ideas anyone?


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I will bet you 2 units of fish forum credibility they are guppies. The body shape says that.

baby platies are usually born with the colour they are going to be
I agree with you that they are guppies; however the last statement isn't entirely true. My platy fry didn't develop their black spots and red coloring until at they were at least two months old.
Thanks all. I suspected they were guppies but just wasn’t certain. I can’t wait to see what colours they grow into. I was planning on adding a few more fish but don’t think I’ll bother because they’ll keep birthing more 🤣
I’ve tried taking pics but these guys are so small so I had to zoom in, so they’re not the best quality.
They can obviously only be Platy or guppies, any ideas anyone?
Definitely guppies. Show them when they're grown.
Hi all,

I’ve spent the past several months cycling/setting up a 105 litre tank which currently houses

2 x bristlenose plec
1 male guppy
3 female guppies
1 male Platy
2 female Platy.

I was undergoing tank maintenance last week and spotted babies.

I hadn’t even noticed any pregnancies as a few of the fish I’d only just bought so I’m clueless who’s they are.

I’ve tried taking pics but these guys are so small so I had to zoom in, so they’re not the best quality.
They can obviously only be Platy or guppies, any ideas anyone?
Yeah look like guppy’s

so these guys are approximately 2 months old now, and you guys were completely right!

5 of them survived, looks like 1 male, 4 female.

They’ve since birthed more fry and there’s around 10 - 12 tiny babies. I think more survived this time around as my plants have grown and matured providing more hiding spaces.

my plan was to add a few more species to this tank but I’ve decided to just leave it alone to avoid over-population.

105 litres now home to -

2 x bristlenose plec
1 male Platy (but I seriously doubt he will reproduce, I’ve had him over 4 years so he’s an old man)
2 female platy
1 adult male guppy & 1 baby male guppy
3 adult female guppies & 4 baby females
10-12 (hard to accurately count as they move fast and hide) tiny baby guppies.

I’m currently running 2 filters in the tank and also have a spare backup tank (50 litres). If this tank becomes too populated I will separate the males & one filter into the smaller tank to stop them breeding. I know females can still birth fry with no male present but they’d stop eventually 🤣. . .

So happy with my baby male though he’s super stunning (pics don’t do him justice)!


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