Okay, 2 things. For my female sorority tank right now it is fairly under stocked, being a 30 gallon with 2 female betta's (who thankfully don't try to duel too often) 2 Rosy red Minnows, an apple snail and a Common Pleco.
Originally I had wanted 5-7 females, 5 RRM and the pleco, however I noticed some of the Minnows were nipping at my females fins... thus, the ones that I caught doing this became Oscar food.
(Oscar is all alone in a 55 gallon in my fiancee's room, and loving it.
So, asides from more female betta's, which I plan on getting in the future (I know I'll have to re-arange the tank and all then when adding them) which would you all preffer? Mollies or Guppies? www.liveaquaria.com is saying that both are compatable with Betta's, and while I probably wouldn't test this theory in my males tank, the females I figured they are probably right as far as compatability goes. My Question is about how much would be too much ie: over stocking, and i don't know which I like better, Mollies or Guppies, so I figured I'd ask you all.
2nd Q: Oto's vrs Corys... which do YOU preffer between the two of them, why, and all that. I'm leaning towards liking Oto's more, but they are VERY hard to find at any of the LFS around here, and I'm still hesitant to order off the internet.... and if I wanted to put either of those in my tank, would they have conflicts with my Pleco? Originally the Plec was supposed to go in the 55 gallon with the oscar, but the oscar was being mean to him, so we moved him back to my 30 gallon.
Originally I had wanted 5-7 females, 5 RRM and the pleco, however I noticed some of the Minnows were nipping at my females fins... thus, the ones that I caught doing this became Oscar food.
So, asides from more female betta's, which I plan on getting in the future (I know I'll have to re-arange the tank and all then when adding them) which would you all preffer? Mollies or Guppies? www.liveaquaria.com is saying that both are compatable with Betta's, and while I probably wouldn't test this theory in my males tank, the females I figured they are probably right as far as compatability goes. My Question is about how much would be too much ie: over stocking, and i don't know which I like better, Mollies or Guppies, so I figured I'd ask you all.
2nd Q: Oto's vrs Corys... which do YOU preffer between the two of them, why, and all that. I'm leaning towards liking Oto's more, but they are VERY hard to find at any of the LFS around here, and I'm still hesitant to order off the internet.... and if I wanted to put either of those in my tank, would they have conflicts with my Pleco? Originally the Plec was supposed to go in the 55 gallon with the oscar, but the oscar was being mean to him, so we moved him back to my 30 gallon.