Guppies how do I care for them

Could I keep the danios in this, and could the guppies live with the danios? this is the biggest fish tank I've ever had other than my hermit crabs, whichever is 27 gallons.
What kind of danios? In general, guppies and danios go well together.
Zebra danios are very active swimmers, and a 20g long being 30 inches/75 cm in length is the minimum, so yes.
wait how many danios and guppies do you have? a big school of danios can take over a 20g
well I have 4 danios and idk how many guppies i will get depending on room i will also get two snails so maybe 7 guppies you tell me how many guppies i might get like 5-7?
well I have 4 danios and idk how many guppies i will get depending on room i will also get two snails so maybe 7 guppies you tell me how many guppies i might get like 5-7?

More danios would be advisable. This is a shoaling fish and the more inn the group the better for the fish. Four is too limiting, aim for 8-9. Fewer guppies then, but they are not a shoaling species.
What is the max number of fish? I can humanly put in.

There are two aspects to this. The species has an inherent expectation to have a group, and that must be provided or the fish will be stressed and worse. There is scientific evidence that groups of five and six are not sufficient, as the fish experience increased aggression, and a latency to feed--serious stuff to the fish. This has to be the first consideration, what is necessary for the fish to be healthy and in good condition. Second consideration is then the tank size...if it is not suited, then do not get the fish. You have space here for the danios, a group of 9-10. Guppies are secondary; I would not worry with four or five.
How much time do I have? can I introduce the new ones easily? And will it be ok if I don’t get the rest by the end of next week?
I’ll be going tomorrow to the pet score to get more zebra danios maybe 5-6 more danios and should I get any nerite snails?
i think so I will have 9-10 danios in a 20 gallon tank so fallowing the one inch per gallon rule then yes I do have space but I might get the snails with the guppies.
the one inch per gallon is pretty unreliable lol
but i think the snails will be hard to keep because the fish will eat the snail food before fish can get to it. what other tanks do you have, and the stocking?
i keep 2 nerites in my 75g purely dependent on brown algae because whenever i try to feed them the fish steal them all !!!

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