Guppies how do I care for them

Another pic can I use zip ties?


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Didn't think of zip ties, I need to remember that :)
So today I am going to a large aquatics store that sells lots of plants what should I get there ( they don’t have duckweed )
See what they sell and look them up on the site I gave in post #25. You need easy plants to start with, and if you are like me, the plants which catch your eye will be on the difficult list. They may look more attractive, but they are harder to keep alive.
Just cam back got more plants, changed substrate and they said to cycle add starter fish to make waste so I got zebra danios
And turns out that they had duckweed, so I got some as well as water sprite mermaid weed and other stuff that i can't remember what they are
And turns out that they had duckweed, so I got some as well as water sprite mermaid weed and other stuff that i can't remember what they are
pics? i can provide care tips
@Honey Fish, in your first post in this thread you said you were going to start cycling in the next few weeks; that was less than a week ago… Are you now doing a fish in cycle..?
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they said to cycle add starter fish to make waste so I got zebra danios
Yet another fish store misleading fish keepers :(
You are now doing a fish-in cycle with a species of fish unsuitable for a 10 gallon tank. Zebra danios are such fast swimming fish that they need a tank at least 3 feet long.

Please can you take the fish back to the shop.

Plant the plants in the substrate rather than leave them in pots.
Then wait until the plants have grown a lot - take a photo as soon as they are properly planted so there's something to compare the growth to.
Then and only then get fish suited to a 10 gallon tank. And test for ammonia and nitrite every day, doing a big water change whenever either read above zero.
I agree completely with @Essjay .

Please, please do not listen to these store people. You cannot have zebra danios in this small a tank to begin with, and you should never ever buy fish to solve a "problem."
Could I keep the danios in this, and could the guppies live with the danios? this is the biggest fish tank I've ever had other than my hermit crabs, whichever is 27 gallons.

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