Guppies Dying/sick.

Well things seem to be better today....they are eating peas as I type this. The bloating seems to have gone down. I waited about 5 minutes after the lights came on before I slowly uncovered the tank to look at them. Normal behavior saying I want fed! They are swimming around good now. I'll be keeping an eye open. Hopefully they'll stay fine!
Quick update. No more deaths!! Yay!! So now it's just 3 male guppies and 2 nerite snails in a 10 gallon tank. After this last little fiasco with whatever it was that got them like they were....when they finally settled into their normal behavior again I decided to go ahead and add aquarium salt(1 tablespoon per 5 gallons). I did half a tablespoon one day, half the next. Then I waited a couple of days and put another half, then I think I waited 3 more or so(forgot!! lol) to add the other half. So now they have been at 2 tablespoons for around 4 days now I think...I do think the tail on Smiley(orange one...) does look better. His was the one that thinned out that I thought I was going to lose next in the beginning of this thread. Not sure on Starfire. His tail is still ragged but time will tell if the salt will work or not. Starburst is still his little spitfire or a self. But everybody is acting nice and normal and eating great! I am trying to rotate their food a bit more. I think I'll do a schedule of like Tuesday and (friday or saturday, probably saturday...) of giving them something else other than their Nutridiet flake food. I have Hikari brand freeze dried blood worms, daphnia, spirulina brine shrimp, and tubifex worms. Hopefully that will give them a good variety. Anyway, I'll try to remember to make another update post. But it may be a couple more weeks before I can tell any changes. I don't plan on leaving the salt in their forever or anything. Maybe no longer than 4 weeks. I want to give it a good chance to help them. I don't know what else to try for their tails otherwise. But so far I don't think they've gotten worse at least!

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