

New Member
Apr 24, 2004
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hi all, got home this evening, to find something weird in my new tank!! My girlfriend said that she saw a weird thing in the tank during the day, so i had a good look and to my suprise found a kind of grub/maggot thing in there!! Anyone know what it would have been? Might of got in there from the plants i just put in!!!! :lol:

Anyway, i got rid of it and continued my fish tank duties etc, did my 1st water test, and all is ok!! Phewwwwwww and then................................. I noticed something, i couldn't belive my eyes!!! There in front of me was a baby fish!!!! But how?????????? then i worked it out, this morning i went to my fishshop i purchased 2 coolie loach, and i remember the guy saying, that he scooped some gravel in the bag with them as u know they're a nightmare to catch!! So that must be how it got there. Wow!!! :cool: I dont know what it will grow up to be, but im popping back there in the morning so i will see what fish were in the tank with the coolie loach!!!!!
I had that happen when we set up the 2ns tank in the office...

transfered water gravel etc left it for a week and then added some plants from the main tank... a week later, all on its own was a tiny little hair with eyes...

after having the run of a 15 gallon tank for about a month - it turned out to me a leopard danio from downstairs... the only one that didnt get eaten!

he's now grown up and swims with the big boys in the 50 gal ;-)
oh hold on - his now in the neighbours 50gal - doh. (best not tell the other half... she gets attached to the little ones).
SMITHRC i see ur in MK too, whereabouts buddy??? where do u get ur fish from etc??
Chooklet said:
COOL!! I hear about this all the time...never happens to me though...

Obviously I don't visit the right LFS
:lol: :lol:
Happened to me once, a guppy slipped into the bag of feeder prawn for my midas, sadly I didn't even notice until it was too late and before I could net him out... :X

The maggot probably came with the kuhlies too,danuk :sick: Score on the free fish though :hey:

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