Guess What!

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Make sure you wash 'YOUR' hands afterwards, amphibians/reptiles all carry a rsik of salmonella.

p.s. - I can probably identify him if you can let me know whereabouts you found him? i.e. UK, USA (state/rough area would help!)/ Europe etc. should be pretty easy from there.


If its UK then its almost certainly:

Common Frog (Rana temporaria) (LOADS of colour morphs and crosses).

Or if in Northern USA its possibly:

Rana aurora
It's a common frog. I always wash my hands after!

Alessa x.
Turns out that i get home from my friends house ready to release it and it has laid frogspawn!

Alessa x.
I know which is why i didn't say i will have tadpoles soon!

Alessa x.
If its carrying spawn, and was on its way to breed, it will shed the spawn as it cannot 'recycle it' internally.

However, the frog may have mated 'en route' to the pond (as sometimes happens) so it might be worthwhile transporting the frog and spawn to a pond. The frog will need to feed heavily now to recooperate.
There was only 4 eggs. I think it's been eating heavily. It's eaten 4 mealworms that are 2" long plus 2 crickets about this big ______.

Alessa x.
hmm.. taking frogs out of the wild is illegal where i live... well, every animal except the lake where people fish. Maybe its because i live in the US but im pretty sure thats illegal :crazy:
I'm in the UK and i don't think it is illegal.

Alessa x.
I think it's a little on the darker side of the law, but as you're only nursing her back to health then releasing her, it won't matter in the slightest - a good deed is rarely punished. also, I know it's illegal to take some animals from the wild, but frogs being so common, i on't know if the law applies.
Well the frogspawn was obviously not fertile because it never hatched :sad:
The frog has hit a bad point atm. I was going to feed her a meal worm then release her into the wild but she never ate the meal worm. I left her for the night and the meal worm was still there in the morning but it was dead so i took it out and decided i would give her the day then try her again when i got home from school. I usually feed her when i get home before we have our tea but she wasn't having any of it. She has been eating one or two 2" meal worms everyday after she layed but she hasn't eaten any for the last 2 days. She still looks healthy as anything but i'm worried because her weight hasn't decreased rapidly but it has decreased.
Is she just going through a small phase and will start eating again today or is there something wrong?

Alessa x.
Will you please stop picking up wild animals/ birds / amphibians etc

any good naturalist would leave them be its the way wildlife works (ie) survival of the fittest

in your house it may be to warm etc you never know

Will you please stop picking up wild animals/ birds / amphibians etc

any good naturalist would leave them be its the way wildlife works (ie) survival of the fittest

in your house it may be to warm etc you never know

I agree. I would let it go now.
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