
dwarfs said:
SirMinion said:
lucky62 said:
Nice pic of the peacock Sir , was that without a flash .[ looks like a female ]
Actually, LadyMinion took the photo.
She tells me that she did use a flash.

You say this looks like a female, what indicates the genders in PGs?
No hump on the forehead, usually fatter :) You'll know a hump when you see it :p
Sir Minion , the male does have a hump [ cephalic ] in the front of his head , my females have no hump , but have fuller looking bellies and a more fish like shape[ if that makes any sense], always I mean always looking for food [ very social ], the males are gone for days at a time guarding eggs , then they eat the fry . The males are larger in my case , and their tales .....kind of well look lazy :dunno: .
I'll see if I can get my son to get a picture or 2 up soon .

like my boy said you'll know the hump when you see it .
There is also supposed to be a black band somewhere on the fins of the females that I've never seen , the hump on the males is obvious though .
samthefishman said:
the thing is, the peacoks that i saw are at lest 3"
are there any other gudgeons that are similar to peacocks?
My biggest isn't even 2 " yet [ I think he's almost done growing , do they look like Sir Minion'ss[ Ladym's ]pic ? [ Lady Minion nice pics]
Could they be full grown adults ? :no: :dunno:

:hyper: Maybe another species mislabeled ?
The peacock gobies are really nice looking are they likely to get eaten by a senegalus bichir??
Just to add female peacock gobies will have large yellow bellies and males will have the pronounced forehead. But i have found them to be fin nippers my male beat the crap out of three extra large female siamese fighters the other night. i think they get grumpier as they get older!! :D

Back to the original question Peacocok Gobies are great if you like gobies and don't have the room for the big ones, the candy stripe goby is another option !!

I have two peacock gobies which have breed in th epast but i couldn't keep the fry alive ! -_-
I also have 2 fat sleeper gobies who were active when young but are getting lazier the bigger they get !
aloaring said:
Just to add female peacock gobies will have large yellow bellies and males will have the pronounced forehead. But i have found them to be fin nippers my male beat the crap out of three extra large female siamese fighters the other night. i think they get grumpier as they get older!! :D

Back to the original question Peacock Gobies are great if you like gobies and don't have the room for the big ones, the candy stripe goby is another option !!

I have two peacock gobies which have breed in th epast but i couldn't keep the fry alive ! -_-
I also have 2 fat sleeper gobies who were active when young but are getting lazier the bigger they get !
My male went head to head with my male cockatoo apisto [ twice his size ] and his mate , over territory . I think he has a Napoleon complex . Females bellies yellow :nod: I forgot that .

Another neat thing about the gudgeons we have [ mogurnda and peacocks ], and this was true for the puffers I've kept in the past , is the iridescence in the eyes , sometimes they look green , and sometimes reddish [ depending on what was reflecting in the eyes ].I'm sure this happens with many fish , But it makes these guys look that much cooler to look at . :nod:
wow sirminion! that peacock goby is gorgeous! now im worried my new pair arent happy because they are nowhere near that brightly coloured :unsure:

i also have two bumblebee gobies that live with a figure eight puffer, they are cool little guys and have really fun personalities :D
SirMinion said:
We also used to have four Bumblebee Gobies, but lost them overnight after a temperature crash.
They were excellent little guys for cleaning up the scraps from messy dwarf puffers and were full of character. Bottom dwellers and only 1.5 inches long.
Shouldn't bumblebee gobies be kept in brackish water and dwarfs in freshwater?!
ingo_1978 said:
Shouldn't bumblebee gobies be kept in brackish water and dwarfs in freshwater?!
There are two subspecies of BBGs, we had (as far as we could tell) the freshwater variety.
Peacocks are a gorgeous fish from Pupua New Guinnea. They are prolific breeders as long as perameters are correct and adding pieces of plastic piping for them to lay inside of also helps. Makes it easier to transfer the fry to a nursery too as you only need to cover both ends with your hands and carry it over, eggs and dad intact. Upon hatching the male should be moved back to his normal tank and the fry can then be raised in the normal way.

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