My poor male GT died. He just had fry with my other GT was he was being picked on by the female pretty bad. She had ripped part of his eye so I moved him to a different tank by himself. I have stress coat and aquarium salt in that tank and I've put him in there before when he was being picked on by my convict. He had always recovered. He was in there for about a day and he seemed to be acting fine. I come in acople minutes ago to find him turned over on his side with his color all faded on his body. My poor green terror. I got so attached to him. It took me so long to get anything to spawn in my tank and finally it happened by suprize and now I lost my only breeding pair. I guess they weren't really good together if she couldn't stop picking on him though. He must have died of a broken heart because of his wife beating him up. ::cry::