Gsp Puffer Help!


New Member
Oct 20, 2008
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Hey I need some help with my Gsp, He won't eat anything! and he just sits around all day. I have a 20 gallon long, perfect water test, 1 molly, 14 newly born mollies, 2 zebra danios, 2 small ghost shrimp and my water salany or however you spell it is 1.012. I just dont know what to do with him. Oh yeah I just got him a week ago at walmart because I felt sorry for him. he does get a little active near night.
He won't eat anything!
Sure he will, if he's healthy and what you're offering him is suitable. Pufferfish generally like bloodworms, snails, krill and chopped seafood like mussels and prawns. They don't eat flake or anything dried, like freeze-dried foods. Sure, the odd specimen does (I have one that likes algae wafers) but don't bank on it. Good "treats" to wean them into captive life are frozen bloodworms and chopped prawns.
I have a 20 gallon long, perfect water test, 1 molly, 14 newly born mollies, 2 zebra danios, 2 small ghost shrimp and my water salany or however you spell it is 1.012.
If your SPECIFIC GRAVITY is 1.012, that's half-strength seawater and there's absolutely no way the danios would be alive. So I'm fairly sure you aren't maintaining the fish in brackish water. Let's review: the recommended specific gravity for Green Spotted Puffers is at least 1.005 and ideally anything from 1.010 to full strength seawater once adult. They do fine in freshwater for long periods (certainly many months) but the water should be hard, alkaline, and very clean. They do not tolerate soft water, acidic pH, or dirty water (i.e., ammonia/nitrite). Anyway, to start with SG 1.003-1.005 is ample, and that's about 6-9 grammes of marine salt mix per litre of water at 25 degrees C. Your mollies will be perfectly happy at that salinity, and the shrimps probably will be, too. The danios would hate it, and will need another tank. In any case, Green Spotted Puffers aren't "community fish" so keeping them with tankmates won't work in the long term, so you may as well start planning around getting this fish its own home. At least some specimens become quite nasty.
I just dont know what to do with him. Oh yeah I just got him a week ago at walmart because I felt sorry for him. he does get a little active near night.
It's not really a good idea to buy fish "because you're sorry for them". Your good deed gets taken as a sale by the store, which goes right ahead and buys some more of them. If the pet store was selling miserable fish in the wrong water chemistry, then they're going to carry on doing that just so long as someone "rescues" them. The best thing you can do is ask the manager why the fish isn't being sold from a brackish water tank, and ask whether they tell purchasers such a fish needs brackish water. Sometimes, just sometimes, the store gets the hint.

Cheers, Neale
I don't know where you live, but if your hometown has a Oriental store purchase a bag of mixed seafood..I feed my mollies/platies/and figure 8 puffer this mix..for the past 6 months..they will eat it up..just make sure you rinse/chop it up very small and only put in as much as they can eat within 15 mins otherwise it will ruin your water....if you cannot find this seafood mix in your town let me know i'll be more than happy to ship to you..good luck
Another possibility is internal parasites, as loss of appetite and inactivity are common symptoms of them - especially if your puffer's stomach looks skinny and pinched. Walmart's GSPs are usually in pretty bad seems like at least half the ones I see there are starved and/or suffering with internal parasites. Have you seen his poo, and if so, what does it look like? What is the color of his belly and sides?

Other than that, like someone said above, try frozen bloodworms (easy to get at your local fish store), raw shrimp, raw oyster or clam or black mussel, scallops, and especially snails. Also, tiny GSPs can actually be easily intimidated by fast-moving and aggressive fish such as mollies, which might cause him to hide or be inactive, at least that's been my experience.

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