Well I just got my other one today and I tried to feed it but it just keeps swimming up and down the tank... I know it doesn't have ICH like the other one, because there are no spots and its breathing is awesome. Should I isolate it and feed it?
OK guys I just wanted to thank you for all your advice on the past two emergency posts I've had, considering this is the second fish dead in two days. Thanks a bunch for your rapid replys..
sorry but there isn't always people on here that are knowledgable is certain areas, especially with specialist fishes like puffers!!
If a fish has died within a matter of a day then its not a feeding problem, its either the fish was very poorly when you bought it, or the tank conditions are a LONG way out.
For starters GSPs are brackish fish but if they're kept in FW in the LFS and you put them straight into brackish they will most likely die. Did you check the salinity of the tank in the lsf?
Was the tank cycled when you put the fish in there? What is the Ammonia/nitrites/nitrates.
What was the temperature of the tank?
As said before puffers are quite specialist, did you research them before buying?
If we can get through these questions might be able to find out why the fish died.
All my levels are at zero, but ammonia was a tiny bit high, nothing to worry about what so ever. I had the salt levels at 1.002, and I'm slowly bringing them up to 1.008. Temp was 80 F. I know what I was doing, and I had everything almost perfect, but he just wouldn't eat and he was very unenergetic when I got him.