
That's fine, we all have our own opinions and the opportunity to voice them.

Out of genuine interest though - I thought piranhas were a species specific fish.

COULD a piranha and an Oscar potentially get on without conflict? Or if a piranha is on its own does it then lose its fighting spirit? I dunno, a bit like a para amongst marines type thing. (I'm not talking disabled I'm talking military here)
Shelster said:
COULD a piranha and an Oscar potentially get on without conflict?
the short answer is yes, however that depends on many different factors, the species of the piranha, size of the tank, size of the other fish, how well they are fed, etc ect ect.....
"red belly" piranhas (which are the most common piranhas kept in captivity) are actually alot more tolerant of other tank mates than most people long as the tank is very large, the other fish are at least equal size as the piranha, and they are well "red belly" by itself would be very unlikely to attack under these conditions,
Yes it was a red belly. The oscars were the same size also.

Thanks for reply.
Does this mean feeding any live food in a closed environment is considered mean or is it only mean if I put it on YouTube and have a laugh about it?
TallTree01 said:
Does this mean feeding any live food in a closed environment is considered mean or is it only mean if I put it on YouTube and have a laugh about it?
personally, i dont think either are mean
Hmm, I'm a bit half and half to be honest.
If they're just doing it to care for their fish then it's fine... I quite enjoyed a video posted on here of Piranhas being fed the other day
If it's a case of "I was bored so I though I'd see what would happen" however, I think it's a bit cruel.
Either way, I don't think it's so bad that it should be removed.
Unfortunately there are some nasty things on you tube posted for "entertainment" purposes. There's one for example where a live mouse is put in a piranha tank although the more disturbing element to this one is the whoops of joy in the background as the mouse is killed...
There really are some sick people out there.... 
the whoops of joy in the background as the mouse is killed.

I really should not laugh
blackops said:
the whoops of joy in the background as the mouse is killed.

I really should not laugh
I didn't laugh until I read this...
I don't even know why :lol:

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