Grrrrr Plants Off Ebay


Fish Crazy
Dec 8, 2006
Reaction score
At the end of December I bid on some plants form an ebay seller. I got 50 plants, some java moss and twisted vallis.Paid immediately by paypal. They never arrived. emails were ignored, contact details were false. Eventually he emailed me saying he had run out and had to wait for new stock to arrive. Still no plants. Then he said he had posted them. Still nothing arrived so I ended up claiming against him from paypal to get my money back. He says he will start a 'non paying bidder' claim against me if I proceed. He says why should he lose out if I get my money back for the items which didn't arrive. Trouble is, that 3 strikes on the npb scheme means I will get kicked off ebay. I just KNEW I should have gone with greenline.
Not only is this ebay seller threatening me in order to get me to drop the claim, he wants is ebay fees back he says, AND he will be claiming off royal mail for the stuff which never arrived. So he has my money and will get Royal mail to reimburse him too and if he gets his fees back and ebay upholds his NPB strikes against me, I won't be able to leave bad feedback warning other potential purchasers. I knew I should have stuck with my rule never to buy from a powerseller. They do as they please and since they make so much money for ebay, ebay lets them do as they please.
So it looks like I'll be forking out again , this time from a reputable company. Will my planted tank ever be done? Will I survive all the hassle??
Name and shame on here :good:

If you've already started a claim (through paypal but via ebay?), saying the goods haven't arrived, then i don't think ebay will uphold his non-paying bidder claim. Besides, you have already paid right? Ebay will have this on record. So how can he claim that you haven't paid?
I think he's just all talk. Even if he does try to make a claim, get ebay involved and he won't win, as you have paid. At the worst he'll probably leave you negative feedback.
There may be a chance that he is telling the truth and they have gone missing. I'd ask him for proof of posting first. If he hasn't got this then he hasn't got a leg to stand on.

ebay and paypal will go in your favour

he should have proof of posting so will get his money back (ebay will know this)

please continue with your claim people shouldnt be able to get away with these things


you will have proof of payment in your paypal records
Here's some good news... Ebay own PayPal... They are the same company. They will be clued up.

Tell him to get stuffed.
Neg fb immediately.
Make a claim with both ebay AND PayPal.
If it is via credit card, can't you claim back anyway?
DON'T wait longer than 60days or you can't leave FB - common stalling tactics stop you leaving feedback.

I went through the claims process when I brought an Arcadia light controller from EBay. It was described as 100% perfect condition, confirmed through emails I sent to the seller before I bid.

When it arrived it was damaged. The mountings were all cracked and broken – so it was useless.

The claims process is lengthy. PayPal require all sorts of effort from your end. Emails, receipts , faxes etc. I even had to get my LFS to write a letter confirming the item was damaged beyond repair.

It took at least 1/2+ months to go through all this. In the end, EBay/PayPal did side with me, and I eventually did get a full refund.

Despite this, the seller left me very negative feedback. Calling me a non-payer etc. I asked EBay to remove this, as they had already agreed the seller sold me a faulty item under false pretences. But, the comment still stands today. "EBay cant remove comments, and respect the views of its users".... TOSH! :angry:

The claims process did work for me in the end (well, I got my money back anyway). But I'm not sure the £40 was worth all the frustration, time and effort :angry:

I've never used EBay or PayPal since. I don’t really intend to either. On top of it all, I’ve always found the eBay/PayPal websites extremely annoying and not very user friendly. More so after using the claims procedure areas of the site. I find their processes appalling too.

I name and shame eBay and PayPal.

Good luck with whatever you do!
The claims process is lengthy. PayPal require all sorts of effort from your end. Emails, receipts , faxes etc. I even had to get my LFS to write a letter confirming the item was damaged beyond repair.

True last year i got a TFT screen from eBay which arrived damaged and they asked me to get it looked at. Every company around here wanted to charge me £60 to look at it :crazy:

To the OP also on eBay if you file an item not recieved they cant say your a NPB as you will have the proof you paid and of the claim so i wouldnt worry abotu getting the boot.

Good Luck!
Hi there i recently had similar problems with a plant seller on ebay, i bought 6 bunches of plants and paid by postal order, i waited and waited sent emails to him but he never replied. Then he reckoned he would send them but they never arrived, so i sent a email to ebay to complain about him but the response i got from them was a waste of time. So i continued to email him, he said he would send more out but still they never arrived, so i opened a item not recieved dispute (which got me no-where as the total for the plants was less than £15) but he did send me a copy of the reciept from the post office.
But still i wasnt satisfied as i knew he would get refunded from the post office for the items being lost in the post. So eventually i got fed up and told him if i didnt get a refund i would just leave negative feedback for him to which he replied that if i left negative feedback then he would keep my money and get refunded from the post office, so he would win either way and i would lose. So yet again i complained to ebay but got no response from them this time.I also went through his thousands of feedback and realised he had a bit of a habit of saying things get lost in the post. But anyway i eventually told him i didnt care anout losing out on my money as long as my negative feedback i was gonna leave maybe made the next person think twice about buying from him.
Eventually he offered to send me a refund on the basis that i lie and give him neutral feedback and he would give me positive feedback, so nearly 2 months later i finally get my refund and he did send me a few plants with it as sort of compensation (only cos i mentioned i was looking forward to the particular plants).

But anyway the seller was called Nannyspetals so if anybody is planning to buy plants from ebay just be wary of him, as im not the only person this has happened to. Lee
I ordered a couple of plants from Nannyspetals and got nothing, have sent an email no response and there is still time to give the negative feedback so I will do, its only about £10.00 so I am not going to go to too much trouble about it.
I ordered a couple of plants from Nannyspetals and got nothing, have sent an email no response and there is still time to give the negative feedback so I will do, its only about £10.00 so I am not going to go to too much trouble about it.

Was watching a few of the above sellers items. Thanks for informing me. Dont wish to give my custom to people who have shuned people on these forums or anyone else for that matter.
i think it would be good to name and shame the plant sellers on ebay that are ripping people off on ebay .on this forum and other forums .they should not be allowed to get away with this kind of thing .
Interesting about nannypetals, have looked at them in the past. They have a website too, will definitely avoid now! Cheers people.

If I can add a little rant, what annoys me about ebay is that you cant speak to a real person, all the email responses are automated and say 'have you tried our help section', to which I reply YES I SODDING HAVE AND IT DIDNT ANSWER MY QUESTION HENCE THIS EMAIL YOU STUPID IDIOT! (well words like that but I wouldn't post them on this family forum ;)) I've been very fortunate with ebay so far (touch wood!) but it doesn't always live up to the hype.

I've been very fortunate with ebay so far (touch wood!) but it doesn't always live up to the hype.

I have purchased plant packs in the past from eBay but wont ever again. The amoutn of plants you recieve that are non aquatic and marsh plants is quite astonding. Overall it mostly means your better of going to your LFS and buying your plants that you can hand select yourself and not get given a bunch of plants not even suitable for your tank or using a reputable company on line where you can hand select plants and knwo what your getting.
my seller's id it:epetz-direct

I note that a couple of other people hadn't got their plants, left a neg' and received a retaliatory one in return. I have contacted them and it turns out he did the same thing with them.
On top if this, he has false contact info which ebay has done nothing about, and breaks ebay regs by listing items he doesn't have.
Locally to me the lfs don't have a good range of plants at all which is why I bought online.
on top of this I'm feeling ill today :angry: (I have ME aswell as my usual problems) and all I want to do is go to bed and stay there.
Ah, stories like this is a big reason I won't have anything to do with EBay. I will go on and look, that's about it.

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