GRRRR............Walmart bettas


Fish Herder
Dec 21, 2003
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Was at walmart picking up a few things........went over to the fish area to pick up a net when I saw some new and really healthy bettas. Some goofball had put two of them in one cup (I think to see if they would kill each other!!!). I started flipping out and yelling at whoever would listen, then grabbed a net and put one back in the other cup. Man, it is idiots like that who make me wanna go ballistic and start punching people! :grr: (whyiotta) :grr: That person HAD to know what they would do, otherwise, who would bother??? One lost a long chunk of fin, but since I was there (I hope) the injuries weren't too serious!
:grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr: :grr:
I found one of my males in a cup with a dead rotting betta corpse,he's got issues with humans now :lol:

It's sad, just yesterday I found one in a cup with a dead male, I was ticked and I threw a fit while the manager tried to hush me :p I refused to leave until they cleaned his water. I stood there waiting because I got the impression they'd just throw the cup with BOTH bettas away as soon as I turned my back :sly:
So is this becoming a common thing them trying to get away with 2 bettas in one cup? I've never seen it yet,but I fear I may if it's happening in more than one place. :/
No's foolish customers (according to Walmart) they claim 'teenagers' dump them in together when no one's looking :/
It wouldn't surprised me...some people are real (put it your favorite label here).

I have to sing the praises of a Wal-Mart near me though. The man that generally is there, seems very knowlegable about fish. I heard him refuse to sell a women a cichlid for her ten gallon community tank :thumbs: and his betta cups are ALWAYS clean, and I never see any diseased or dead bettas there. I've seen him do water changes, and feed the bettas. I try to buy my bettas there whenever I can. That's where I got my new guy today, Giorgio (a lovely pale purple and bright, actual orange betta). I make a point to tell him how impressed I am with the aquatic section.
dixaisy930 said:
It wouldn't surprised me...some people are real (put it your favorite label here).

I have to sing the praises of a Wal-Mart near me though. The man that generally is there, seems very knowlegable about fish. I heard him refuse to sell a women a cichlid for her ten gallon community tank :thumbs: and his betta cups are ALWAYS clean, and I never see any diseased or dead bettas there. I've seen him do water changes, and feed the bettas. I try to buy my bettas there whenever I can. That's where I got my new guy today, Giorgio (a lovely pale purple and bright, actual orange betta). I make a point to tell him how impressed I am with the aquatic section.
:-( Yes, I must say, these bettas there were AWESOME!!!! SOOOOOOOO healthy and happy........big, fat, sassy, and awesome water conditions. I didn't even look at the tanks though, I try to stay away from those.........

Other than the whole two bettas in one cup, I was totally impressed.
My Wal-Marts are both actually pretty good. The cups they use are much larger than both Petsmart and my lfs (and they are at least quadruple the size of the cups Petco use :angry: ). The cups at my Wal-Marts are always clean and I never see any dead bettas in them (unlike petco who always has dead bettas floating in yellow water). And what's really cool about Wal-Mart down here, there's cameras pointed right at the bettas, with a TV moniter so you can see yourself checking out the bettas. People are much less likely to tamper with the poor fish when they know they are on film.
People are much less likely to tamper with the poor fish when they know they are on film

wow I wish that were true for here (camera).............the cups at this store were also huge! I was very impressed by that...............
I went to pet smart the other day(don't ask) and they had the betta males in these little tiny cups, and about 5 or more of them had jumped out, me and my boyfriend told the people and they said "oh that happens all the time"

That got my blood boiling and I yelled a bit, but was to be expected :thumbs:

[/Man, it is idiots like that who make me wanna go ballistic and start punching people!] :-( Sorry about your trouble with Wal-Mart. In my experience you should usually just go to a specialty store to get your fish. I've even gone to places like petsmart and petco and seen dead fish at the bottom of the tank, but they're not as bad as Wal-Mart. Definantly stay away from that place!

yea walmart isn't usually the best place unless they have someone experienced they usually don't do many tests or anything to see how knowledgeable the employees are. I personally think petsmart is the best place. I have yet to find in my local lfs petsmarts a unexperienced employee. Walmart also doesn't use much funding for fish as they don't only sell fish or other animals.
my walmart always has dead rotting fish in their tanks, nasty things covering all of the rocks and there always tons of sick fish. half the time when someone buys a fish they cant find the fish person and some random employee comes and gets them their fish. i agree with fishdude, my petsmart always has workers who seem to know alot about fish.
Cartman8779 said:
[/Man, it is idiots like that who make me wanna go ballistic and start punching people!] :-( Sorry about your trouble with Wal-Mart. In my experience you should usually just go to a specialty store to get your fish. I've even gone to places like petsmart and petco and seen dead fish at the bottom of the tank, but they're not as bad as Wal-Mart. Definantly stay away from that place!

Oh yes, I haven't bought fish from Wal-Mart in several years. I was just commenting on the conditions...................I stay very far away. I was just in the fish dept. picking up shrimp pellets.

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