It's only forever; not long at all...
WEll I've finally decided to ditch the Tetra all in one test (thank goodness) so went to the shop and bought some good fishy things- Frozen bloodworm, Nitrite test kit, hamster food (not for the fish, don't worry). So I eagerly tested my water. Umm.. It told me the nitrite was 0.5 mg/l. How can I get it down to 0 fairly soon? It has been cycling since the day after New Year, I did a fishless for a week, got guppies and cycled with them for 2 weeks. It's a 5 gallon tank. I've done a 75% water change (there are no fish at the moment but I've been adding fish food). The reason I want it down soon is that the LPS had such a cute betta... It was so cute, nothing special to look at but the evil staff had put it in with a tank of 100 plus neons! It looked a bit nipped, and wouldn't come out the tube.... ahh...