

Fish Crazy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL USA
Ok, so instead of trying to find something to put anything else in my 10gal with the Serpae that they won't mutilate...I'm just going to take everything (4 harlequins & 3 corys) out of my 8(ish?) gallon bow front and take them home to put in with the Flame Tetra (that the lady at the petstore assured me would be fine with the Serpae and then had torn fins before the end of the night) and the other lonely little cory...and put the Serpae in there by themselves. :hey:
Ok, so instead of trying to find something to put anything else in my 10gal with the Serpae that they won't mutilate...I'm just going to take everything (4 harlequins & 3 corys) out of my 8(ish?) gallon bow front and take them home to put in with the Flame Tetra (that the lady at the petstore assured me would be fine with the Serpae and then had torn fins before the end of the night) and the other lonely little cory...and put the Serpae in there by themselves. :hey:

would like to coment but cant quite get what he situation is, expect thats why u have no replies.
if u could explain the whole story iam sure people will comment.
How many serpaes do you have in the tank? They're schooling fish like most tetras, only instead of running and hiding if their school is too small to feel safe in they get aggressive and beat the crap out of their tank mates.
Ok, so instead of trying to find something to put anything else in my 10gal with the Serpae that they won't mutilate...I'm just going to take everything (4 harlequins & 3 corys) out of my 8(ish?) gallon bow front and take them home to put in with the Flame Tetra (that the lady at the petstore assured me would be fine with the Serpae and then had torn fins before the end of the night) and the other lonely little cory...and put the Serpae in there by themselves. :hey:

i am confused. perhaps i am misunderstanding this but are you saying that the serpae are mutilating thngs? i have 6 serpae with 2 corys, 5 lemon tetra and 6 silvertips and 6 black neone and 4 neons 3 loaches and a cory as well as mollies and i have no problems except they are breeding to much so i am maturing a tank to transfer some of the fish into.

all my tanks have a mixture of live and artificial plants in it and i have no problems with mutilations at all so what has happened?
Yeah, I only had 4 of them...I realize that is probably a lot to do with it. I didn't want just a tank of Serpae at home though, so I didn't grow the school...was hoping to have a variety of fish in there for my daughter. I'm fine with a species tank here at work though.

It actually started with just one of them being being a bully, but then the other ones picked up on it and now they all do it. They even have taken a few nibbles out of my cory's top fin.

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