Growth Rate of Fire Eels?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I work at a LFS and i was lucky enough to have the chance to scope out a few fire eels, recently i purchased one of the fine guys and have him in a 55g with lots of cover, live plants, caves, etc and he has settled in great, not timid at all. Before purchasing this specimen i read from afew sources that they can be very picky when it comes to feeding but mine eats frozen blood worms which is great.

But my main question is what is the growth rate of fire eels? Mine is about 4-5" and i have been feeding tiwce a day on frozen blood worms as to give him proper nutrition to have a healthy growth rate.

CFC this one is directed at your because i know you have lots of experience with eels :)

thanks in advance
In my experience spiney eels grow quite slowly in captivity, i wouldnt expect the fish to grow more than 4 or 5 inches in a year and then to slow down even more once the eel is over a foot.
CFC said:
In my experience spiney eels grow quite slowly in captivity, i wouldnt expect the fish to grow more than 4 or 5 inches in a year and then to slow down even more once the eel is over a foot.rudy the pic of him are in
i sorry cfc but i will have to dissagree i have a 3 ft tyretrack and i have only had him for 3 months i bought him he was half the size he is now i dont know if he was in a small tank before i got him but he is growing very quickly i have had t move him out of my 5ft tank in to my 8ft tank rudy the pics of him are in member pic if you want to see
CFC said:
In my experience spiney eels grow quite slowly in captivity, i wouldnt expect the fish to grow more than 4 or 5 inches in a year and then to slow down even more once the eel is over a foot.
My experience is similar to CFC's. My tire track is about 3 inches larger than when I purchased it 8 months ago (approximately 12 inches now).

Feeding habits will probably affect growth-rate. I feed raw shrimp, scallops and krill every 2 to 3 days.
sorry but i am with cfc on this i have a tyre track and he is taking ages to grow dont get me wrong you can see him growing but its slow.
on the fire eel side i have had three 10" fire eels and none have lived longer than six months could not get them to eat really nice eels just could not get them to eat its not nice watching them go from fattish to thin then death the tyre track outlived them all good luck with yours
okay i must have a fast growing eel but i have got the temp hiked up 2 86 oc this is proberbilly affecting the growth rate as for eating habits maybee im feeding him too much i dont know all i was saying is that mine has grown very quickly the person i bought it off said it would only eat bloodworm then it changed its eating habits it self they have an attainable size off 75 cm so how old are they classed as adults tank size must play apart in their growth rate?(what size tank are they housed in ??)as my friend has a fire eel in a 240 liter that doesn't appere to be growing unlike the tryetrack i have
Bomag said:
sorry but i am with cfc on this i have a tyre track and he is taking ages to grow dont get me wrong you can see him growing but its slow.
on the fire eel side i have had three 10" fire eels and none have lived longer than six months could not get them to eat really nice eels just could not get them to eat its not nice watching them go from fattish to thin then death the tyre track outlived them all good luck with yours
:/ okay okay i give in being backed in to corner eels grow slow eccept my renagade eel my friends eels all do grow slow but things : can grow in there own way so id take the advice of cfc and say generally eels grow slowly in home aquaria (eccept for 1 or 2 ecceptions )are we all aggreed then please i must be the only one arguing the t**s :crazy:
:lol: OK but im sending a team of drug testers up to manchester to check your eel for steroid abuse :p

It could be that your fish is quite old and was having its growth restricted by being kept in a too small tank, when you bought it and released it into a much larger more suitable tank it was able to suddenly put on the growth that had been supressed before, i have seen this with other species of fish such as bala sharks and clown loaches.
CFC said:
:lol: OK but im sending a team of drug testers up to manchester to check your eel for steroid abuse :p

It could be that your fish is quite old and was having its growth restricted by being kept in a too small tank, when you bought it and released it into a much larger more suitable tank it was able to suddenly put on the growth that had been supressed before, i have seen this with other species of fish such as bala sharks and clown loaches.
:p i thinks you may be right as this has happend to me before with an oscar i rescued form a miserable existance in a 30g tank it grew unbelivably quick in my 150g but only lived 4 5 yrs then died of old age he was 5 when i got him (i know they should live for 20+yrs)
right thats it everyones fish is to be piss tested and any fish that is positive will be given a strict talking to ha ha

PS: whale in kettle doing well but is on Shrinking hormones so as does not get to big :rofl:
:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
Bomag said:
right thats it everyones fish is to be piss tested and any fish that is positive will be given a strict talking to ha ha

PS: whale in kettle doing well but is on Shrinking hormones so as does not get to big :rofl:
:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
:rofl: :rofl: lmao mini blue whale in a bottle in nead of re homeing free to good home lol :rofl:

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