Growth Food For Babies


Fish Herder
Sep 23, 2008
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Recently became the proud owner of 2 black and 2 bronze baby cories. They are in my fry/hospital tank at the moment until they get a litttle bigger (and can get away from the apisto in my community tank).

Is there any particular treat that I can feed to them to help them grow stronger and bigger sooner? I am currently feeding slightly crushed sinking pellets.

Would they eat baby brine shrimp?

I am not in a rush to get them into my big tank - but with christmas coming, they might be safest away from the dining room!
corydoras are not vegetarian, they are omnivores with a preferance for meat foods. They like micro worms, and grindle worms when they get a bit bigger. They also eat newly hatched brineshrimp and baby daphnia.
Feed them a variety of foods and they will do better than if fed on flake or pellet food alone.
Hi saz326 :)

Just how big are your corys? :unsure:

If they are big enough to eat it, try giving them finely chopped black worms or bloodworms that have been shaved of the frozen block with a sharp knife or razor blade. If they are at this stage they should start growing fast. I also like to feed Hikari bottom feeder wafers because they can be broken into quarters and will remain safe in the water for some hours.

Also, doing daily partial water changes is helpful to encourage growth and well being.
saz i got some from drewry aswell
yes they are small but mine have grown lots in the week or so i've had them

i have been feeding them quartered hikari wafers , melted bloodworms cut up , live daphnia and baby bloodworms , powdered spirulina , crushed dried bloodworm , crushed brineshrimp and powdered algae
we also change 20% of the water everyday - i experimented putting some in my aquaone 620t 130 with the limias , minnows , neons and albino corys and the 4 in there are doing well with twice weekly water changes in there

good luck with them

Thanks everyone for your input.

i popped over for an overnighter at my parents house and when I came back I could swear they had grown - but then again I love them so much Im gonna believe anything!!

I have been out and bought some frozen baby brine shrimp and baby daphnia (2.99 each or 5 blocks for £10 in pet-smart or whatever it is called these days)

I appreciated they were not vegetarians as soon as I had posted the original post (no idea why I said it in the first place)- and edited the post quick. Why would they have feelers on their faces if they werent designed to find little wriggly worms. My stupidity reighned!! :dunno:

I shall try shaving some thin bits off the frozen blocks and feeding them, thanks for the great suggestion inchworm.

Pippoodle - Wow, you're little guys are lucky. You keep them well.
i feed my little corydoras allsorts saz
from grated tubafix,diced daphnia,bloodworms,brineshrimp,blackfly larva ,catfish pellets,fish flake,
crushed earth worm pellets,alge wafers,
and as a treat some times i give them some hard boiled egg york but it can be really messey and needs a big water change after.

they should start growing quite quick with a good veried diet and regular water changes.
good luck with them saz :good:

regards dave

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